
Nagata Seiho



Buddhist Sculptors Gallery


Nagata Seiho
Nagata Seihoo 長田晴鳳(ながたせいほう)

CLICK for more photos !

Born 1957 in Himeji. Learned Buddhist sculpture from his father, the Great Buddhist Sculptor Nagata Seizan 長田晴山, born 1920 in Himeji.
Seiho also studied Japanese art at University with Yamamoto Kakuni 山本恪二.

In 2000, he founded this studio in Kyoto , where he is trying to combine the traditions of the trade with our modern times.

日本美術研究所  Japanese Art Studio
〒615-0094 京都市右京区山ノ内北の口町4-4
TEL 075-842-0455


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

This statue of Fudo Myo-O has been used in the yearly samurai Drama by NHK in 2007. The drama is about Takeda Shingen and his advisor, Yamamoto Kansuke.

CLICK for original LINK !

source : kinyodo.moe-nifty.com



More of his statues of Fudo Myo-O and other deities

CLICK for more of his statues !


Great Buddha Statue in Nagoya

CLICK for more of his large statues !


Statue of Kobo Daishi, at Kawasaki Daishi Temple

CLICK for more of his statues of persons !


Japanese LINK

Buddha Sculpture Studio 



Who made Buddha Statues ?
Mark Schumacher

Buddhist Sculptors Gallery

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan


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