
Amagoi Fudo



Fudo Myo-O Gallery


Fudo for Rain Rituals . Amagoi Fudo 雨乞い不動
one of them is

Nitta no Fure Fudo 新田の触不動 
呑嶺山 安養寺 Anyo-Ji 明王院 Myo-O In

明王院 Myo-O In 新田觸不動尊 Nitta Fure Fudo Son
Gunma Prefecture Ota city, Anyoji town
群馬県太田市安養寺町 5

This temple was build in 1061 by 頼空上人 Saint Raiku and later under the protection of the Nitta daimyo family. In 1333 under the protection of Godaigo Tenno it became a "Temple with seven important buildings" and 12 housings for monks.

The present Fudo Hall was constructed in 1705. The building on the leading road has two stories and is called Niten-Mon 二天門.

The small Fudo Tabernacle contains two statues of Fudo. One is about 5.5 cm high and made from "Enbudagon 閻浮檀金 (noble gold)", a special gold with a redish shine from the "Enbuda Forest" and was made in 1333 for the Nitta family.
It is called "Nitta Fure Fudo Son" 新田触不動尊.

The other statue is about 76 cm high and made from wood.It was carved in one night, the Fudo revealing himself in the statue, Miei Fudo Myo-O 御影不動明王 and has no flaming halo in the back.

The main hall of the temple houses another statue of Fudo Myo-O 倶利伽藍不動明王, also a protector deity of the Nitta family.

In 1794 a memorial stone for Matsuo Basho was built and later more material about 21 haiku poets with relations to Ojima Village was collected.

source - 明王院

- quote
Myouou-in (Myouou Temple)
inside of this temple are two statues of gods. One of them is known as Nitta Fure Fudo, a god believed to have transformed himself to be a Buddhist monk and who informed the Nitta clan of Yoshisada’s attack to destroy the Kamakura government. This statue is about 5.5 centimeters tall and made of platinum. In the precincts of the temple stands a very rare tower called Sentai-fudoson that is shaped like a pyramid. It was founded in the Edo Era.
- source : ota-kanko.jp/english...

- source : tanuki-bayashi.com/tone-ponpokou

新田不動院 Nitta Fudo-In

This temple is Nr. 9 of
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


Memorial stone of a haiku by Matsuo Basho.

白露も こぼさぬ萩の うねりかな  
shiratsuyu mo kobosanu hagi no uneri kana 

not even spilling
the white dew -
swaying bush clover

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Discussing Basho - shiratsuyu .


zentai Fudo 1000 Fudo statues
- source : Shigeru on facebook


Rain Rituals, Dances and Prayers (amagoi)

White Dew (shiratsuyu) and Haiku

O-Fudo Sama Gallery

This temple is Nr. 9 of
. 北関東三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Northern Kanto .


- #nittafudo #nittafurefudo #furenofudo -


  1. Nitta Yoshisada
    (1301 – 1338)

    and the Nitta Clan
    Koozuke no Kuni 上野国 Kozuke - now mostly 群馬県 Gunma prefecture


  2. Shibayama Yakushi Fudo 芝山薬師不動
    喜連山Kirezan 歓喜院 Kanki-In 慈光寺 Jiko-Ji
    Amagoi Fudo son 雨乞不動尊 Fudo for Rain Rituals



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