
Dairokuten Mao



Fudo Myo-O Gallery


Dairokuten Ma-O
第六天魔王 (だいろくてん まおう)

Big Number Six Heavenly Deity 大六天

MATEN 摩天(まてん) really means a deity who is tempting and disturbing human beings.

Another name is
Take Jizaiten 他化自在天(たけじざいてん)
"Enjoying other people's joy as one's own"

Another name is Hajun 波旬(はじゅん、Papiyas).
Dairoku Tenmaou

dairoku can be written with the Chinese character for BIG 大 or the counter 第.

天主大魔王: Sixth Heavenly Pillar Deity.

Number six in the Buddhist realm of lust, greed and desire (yokuai, yokkai 欲界 .. kāma-dhātu. Kamadhatu), the highest realm.
People who are reborn in this heaven tend to take the pleasures of others for themselves and enjoy in the happiness of others.

Dairokuten Ma-O in the Nichiren Mandala
King Mara of the Sixth Heaven. Mara.

Oda Nobunaga took on this name for himself.
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Dairokuten Shrine where Nobunaga worshipped

© managireturns

In Shinto, it is also the deity Omodaru no Mikami 於母陀流神 or Ayakashikone no kami 阿夜訶志古泥神.

. Oda Nobunaga 織田信長 .


Omodaru, Ayakashikone

The sixth of the first seven generations of kami, produced immediately prior to Izanagi and Izanami. It is generally believed that the two kami actually represent a single being, Omodaru being the male half and Kashikone the female, but no other specific attributes are known.

According to Motoori Norinaga, the characters used to write Omodaru's name mean "face and leg, indicating a being without imperfection; whether in face or in the limbs, every part is furnished complete" (Kojikiden). Other theories suggest that the names mean the face of the earth or the land was perfect and complete, or that the names were mutually complementary epitaphs used by the pair of kami.

In the medieval period, shrines appeared in the Kantō area worshiping Omodaru no mikoto under the name Dairokuten ("the sixth deva").
This name was based on the association of Omodaru with the sixth deva within the Buddhist theory of the heaven of thirty-three gods (Trayastrimsa).
© Nakayama Kaoru / Kokugakuin University.


. Usaka matsuri 鵜坂祭 Usaka Shrine festival

The main deities of this shrine in Toyama are
Omodaru and Kashikone.


Dairokuten Memorial Stone 大六天

In the background are two male symbols, arranged like "wayside gods" (doosojin).

© PHOTO : Cosmos Factory



Dairokuten protects against Smallpox

「奉修大六天疱瘡安全守護処」「疱瘡軽安石札 実相坊」の「大六天疱瘡」です。

© mr yanagi


. 高木神社 Takagi Jinja - Edo .

Kuroyami Ten 黒闇天 (こくあんてん) Kokuan Ten
“黒耳”(こくに、KalakarNi) Kokuni - Kuroanten / Kuroyamiten
an incarnation of Dairoku Ma-O
Kuroyami Tennyo 黒闇天女(くろやみてんにょ)
Lady Ten Deity of the Darkness


Here is a charming old legend :

Once upon a LONG time, there lived an old grandma in Kashihara village, who liked things to be clean and orderly.
One day she passed before the Dairokuten Stone Memorial 「大六天さま」 in the village of Nakahonjuku. There were many children who had scattered a lot of things, like Shinto ritual sticks and even a Daruma lantern.

Grandma scolded the children and made them clean up.

For some reason the next day Grandma became a stomach ache and had to stay in bed.
She had been cast under a spell of Dairokuten Sama, who is a god who likes things to be disorderly and scattered around. So when she made the kids clean up, this did not please the god at all and he sent her a stomach ache !

Well, there sure are strange deities around !

Soon the children scattered and littered again around the stone memorial and Grandma became well in no time !

source: www.city.sayama.saitama.jp


Dairokuten of Hongo Village

This deity comes from Shinto, but with the mixing of Buddhism and Shinto he has been called on with a wish for children or a good relationship.
In the village of Ami 阿見町 there is an old place name Arakawa Hongoji Dairokuten 荒川本郷字大六天 and a bridge called : Dairokuten Bridge 大六天橋, but the bridge seems lost in legend now.
Dairokuten was worshipped along many roads, especially roads leading to Kamakura (Kamakura Kaido 鎌倉街道).
The Dairokuten of Ami village is now only a stone memorial, but has a history of many hundred years. It is mentioned already in the year 1685 in a illustrated village collection called : Ami no yaron saikyojoo mura ezu 阿見野野論裁許状村絵図(あみのやろんさいきょじょうむらえず). Now there is just a small wayside shrine. Lately a new gate torii was constructed and the place is well taken care of.

Another Dairokuten memorial is on the private property of a local family since many generations. Before a father died, he would tell his eldest son as a last wish: "Take good care of the Dairokuten Stone!"

source: www.town.ami.ibaraki.jp


Mud Slinging Festival, "Dairokuten Hadaka Matsuri"
Late February in Yotsukaido

For the deity "Dairoku Tenma-O" 第六天魔王(だいろくてんまおう, Dairokuten Sama 第六天さま. Men wrestle in the muddy fields and throw around the mud or smear it on children.

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Naked Festivals of Japan (hadaka matsuri)


shrine Dairoku Ten Jinja, Hanno town
第六天神社 (飯能市 Hannoo shi)

A long-nosed goblin and a karasu bird tengu are facing each other.
They are the servants (kenzoku 眷属) of the deity of this shrine.

. Mukai Tengu 向い天狗 Tengu facing each other .


meeting Daruma
in so many places ...
thanks Dairokuten


. Kamakura Kaido 鎌倉街道 .

O-Fudo Sama Gallery




  1. Tengudoo, tengudō 天狗道 Tengudo, the Realm of Tengu

    During the times of retired emperor Go-Shirakawa 後白河天皇 (1127 - 1192, tengu were seen as
    tenma 天魔 heavenly evil spirits

    . Tenma - Maten 摩天 .
    - a deity who is tempting and disturbing human beings.

  2. Tokyo
    第六天榊神社 Dairokuten Sakaki Jinja
    台東区蔵前1-4-3 -- 1 Chome-4-3 Kuramae, Taitō ward

    ----- Deities in residence :
    Amatsukami Mutsu no Miyo ni ataritamau Sakaki no Sume Oomikami
    面足尊 Omodaru no Mikoto
    惶根尊 Kashikone no Mikoto
    東京下町八社巡り Pilgrimage to 8 Shrines in Shitamachi
    健康長寿 Long and healthy life

  3. Tokyo Katsushika 葛飾区

    . Dairokuten Ma-O 第六天魔王 Number Six Heavenly Deity .
    There were Shrines for this fearful deity in many areas of Edo.

    葛飾区亀有の高木神社(旧称:第六天社)Katsushika, Kameari - Takagi Jinja
    北葛飾郡杉戸町下野 - 第六天社 Kita-Katsushima district, Sugito

    This deity punishes the bad and rewards the good people.
    Once upon a time,
    There was an epidemy in the village 宝木塚村 Hogizuka with many dead people. The reason was the missing faith in a protecting deity - or so they said. Finally they got a deity from 第六天神社 Dairokuten Jinja in Asakusa and the epidemy stopped.

  4. Kameari Takagi Jinja 亀有の高木神社
    葛飾区西亀有4-15-20 // (旧称:第六天社 former Dairokuten Shrine)

    The patron Shrine of the village 砂原村 Sawaramura in the Edo period.
    The main deity is Dairokuten.
    Re-named Takagi Shrine in the Meiji period.

  5. Legend from Miyagi, 名取市 Natori city 増田 Masuda

    umazuka, uma-zuka 馬塚 horse mound
    A place to venerate 第六天神 Dairokutenjin.
    Once the mikoshi 神輿 portable shrine of 小豆島牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno from Shodoshima passed here. The weather suddenly turned wild and the shinme 神馬 sacred horse died.
    Now people can experience healing for cattle and horses.

    . Dairokuten Ma-O 第六天魔王 Big Number Six Heavenly Deity .


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