
Bakumatsu People

. Persons and People of Edo - Personen .

Daruma Pilgrims Gallery


People People People

1853 - 1867

Foreigners who took an interest in Japan or
had an influence on the developing culture of modern Japan.

During the Bakumatsu Period and after the Meiji Restoration, many foreigners came to Japan and some of them left us great photo collections.
. Photo Collections 写真集 .

- quote
Bakumatsu 幕末 bakumatsu, "Late Tokugawa Shogunate",
(literally "end of the military camp [government") refers to the final years of the Edo period when the Tokugawa shogunate ended. Between 1853 and 1867 Japan ended its isolationist foreign policy known as sakoku and changed from a feudal shogunate to the Meiji government.
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Aime, Humbert Aime エメ アンベール

Le Japon illustre - par Aime Humbert

source : www.yushodo.co.jp


William John Alt
(1840-1905) ウィリアム・オールト
British merchant

William John Alt was born April 4, 1840 in Greenwich, England. At the age of twelve he entered the Merchant Service. Seven years later he joined the Customs Service in China, but left for Nagasaki later the same year after the port was opened to foreign trade. He registered with the British Consulate in Nagasaki January 6, 1860 as a general commission agent.
Like his fellow young merchant-adventurer from Britain, Thomas Glover, William Alt made a considerable fortune in the first decade of the foreign settlement by trading tea, marine products, ships and weapons.
source : jeff.jetsets.jp

source : THE ALT HOUSE:

. Reference .


Bird, Isabella Bird, Isabella Lucy Bird イザベラ・バード

English explorer, writer, and a natural historian.
. . . she went traveling to Asia: Japan, China, Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia.

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Richard Henry Brunton
(26 December 1841 – 24 April 1901)

was the so-called "Father of Japanese lighthouses". Brunton was born in Muchalls, Kincardineshire, Scotland. He was employed by the Japanese Government as an o-yatoi gaikokujin to build lighthouses in Japan.

CLICK for more photos and portrait
Under pressure from British ambassador Sir Harry Parkes to fulfil its obligations to make the waters and harbors of Japan safe for shipping, the Japanese government hired the Edinburgh-based firm of D. and T. Stevenson to chart coastal waters and to build lighthouses where appropriate. The project had already begun under French foreign advisor Léonce Verny, but was not proceeding fast enough for the British.
FRGS, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
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. Thomas Blake Glover トーマス グラバー
A famous Scottish weapon dealer in Nagasaki. His estate is now a museum, it is the first western-style building in Japan.

The Scot who shaped Japan

History has not been generous in crediting the crucial roles played by maverick trader Thomas Blake Glover in casting off feudalism and ushering in the modern age. But as the centenary of this most singular Victorian nears, Michael Gardiner sets the record straight

This coming Friday, Dec. 16, 2011, marks the centenary of the death in his opulent home in the Shiba Park area of Tokyo's central Azabu district of the Scottish-born trader Thomas Blake Glover, who became the first foreigner ever decorated by the Japanese government when he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun (second class) in 1908.

Despite that remarkable distinction, however, Glover's life and his contribution to the creation of modern Japan and, unknown (but not unsensed) by him, to its ultimate humiliation in 1945, has registered only unevenly and with some unease in today's still often palpably postwar Japan. And that despite it being a tale of such ambiguities, such outright roguery and cutthroat capitalism — and yet of such vision, too — that it beggars belief it has not already had the "Last Samurai" treatment.
..... For all that, and despite the fact that Glover House now gets 2 million visitors a year, including many on school trips, there have been no serious historical dramatizations of Glover's remarkable life and role in history, even though there is a background enthusiasm for his modernizing energy and willingness to negotiate in unfamiliar and dangerous surroundings.

source : Japan Times, December 11, 2011


Iwasaki Yataro 岩崎弥太郎
Tosa Domain . He was close to Sakamoto Ryoma.
CLICK for more photos

Tsukumo Shokai, "Mitsubishi Shokai" in March 1873

. Sakamoto Ryoma (Sakamoto Ryuma) 坂本龍馬
(January 3, 1836 – 10 December 1867)


Ranald MacDonald
(3 February 1824 – August 24, 1894)
was the first man to teach the English language in Japan, including educating Einosuke Moriyama, one of the chief interpreters to handle the negotiations between Commodore Perry and the Tokugawa Shogunate.
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Native American in the Land of the Shogun
Ranald MacDonald and the Opening of Japan

Frederik L. Schodt
Stone Bridge Press

Of no relation to the hamburger chain of a similar-sounding name, he was born in 1824 in the area of what is now Astoria, Oregon.
The son of a Chinook Indian princess and a prominent Scottish official in the Hudson's Bay company in the area, he grew up in the rich natural and cultural environment of the early nineteenth century Pacific Northwest.
source : READ MORE


Kenneth Ross MacKenzie
local agent for Jardine, Matheson and Company.

. Reference .


James Mitchell
Scottish shipbuilder, owner of "Aberdeen Yard" in Nagasaki.


Laurence Oliphant
(1829 – 23 December 1888)
was a British author, international traveller, diplomatist and mystic.

Oliphant was Lord Elgin's private secretary on his expedition to China and Japan. In 1861 he was appointed first secretary of the British legation in Japan under Minister Plenipotentiary (later Sir) Rutherford Alcock, and might have made a successful diplomatic career if it had not been interrupted, almost at the outset, by a night attack on the legation, in which he nearly lost his life. He permanently lost the full use of his hand. It seems probable that he never properly recovered from this affair.

He arrived at Edo at the end of June 1861.
On the evening of 5 July a night attack was made on the legation by xenophobic ronin.
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Wirgman, Charles Wirgman チャールズ・ワーグマン
(1832 - 1891)

an English artist and cartoonist, the creator of the Japan Punch and illustrator in China and Meiji period Japan for the Illustrated London News.
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Ernest Satow - Sir Ernest Mason Satow
(30 June 1843 - 26 August 1929)
アーネスト・サトウ (Asnesuto Satoo)
British scholar, diplomat and Japanologist.
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Satow's publication Sakuron 策論 / サトウ 著
at the Waseda University digital collection an influential book in the mid-1850s during the Edo bakumatsu period leading to the Meiji Restoration.
- source : wul.waseda.ac.jp/kotenseki -

Diaries of the distinguished British diplomat
Sir Ernest Satow (1843-1929) active in Japan, China & Siam.
- source : Ian Ruxton -

. 2017 - NHK Drama - Earnest Satow . - FB
British envoy, Japan Times turn tide in NHK history drama


Schliemann, Johannes Heinrich Schliemann

(1822 - 1890)

a German businessman and a pioneer of field archaeology.
archaeological excavator of Hissarlik, now presumed to be the site of Troy,
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Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore エリザ・ルアマー・シドモア
(1856 - 1928)

an American writer, photographer and geographer, who became the first female board member of the National Geographic Society.
She visited Japan many times between 1885 and 1928.
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Suenson, Edouard Suenson エドゥアルド・スエンソン
(1842 - 1921)

"Skitserfra Japan" - his book about Edo

- - Reference - -


After Meiji


Jack Seward
(1924 – November 2010)

leading expert on Japan
has written forty-four books on Japan
Author of : Strange but True Stories from Japan
Japanese In Action
. Reference


West meets East - East "out-Wests the West"
a history of misunderstandings and mis-interpretations

Japan as Other: Orientalism and Cultural Conflict

Steven L. Rosen

The Myth of Asia - by John M. Steadman

Neurotic Beauty: An Outsider Looks At Japan
February 23, 2015
by Morris Berman

. Discussion of facebook, July 2015 .


A Career of Japan:
Baron Raimund von Stillfried
and Early Yokohama Photography

A Career of Japan is the first study of one of the major photographers and personalities of nineteenth-century Japan. Baron Raimund von Stillfried was the most important foreign-born photographer of the Meiji era and one of the first globally active photographers of his generation. He played a key role in the international image of Japan and the adoption of photography within Japanese society itself. Yet, the lack of a thorough study of his activities, travels, and work has been a fundamental gap in both Japanese- and Western-language scholarship. Based on extensive new primary sources and unpublished documents from archives around the world, this book examines von Stillfried’s significance as a cultural mediator between Japan and Central Europe. It highlights the tensions and fierce competition that underpinned the globalising photographic industry at a site of cultural contact and exchange – treaty-port Yokohama. In the process, it raises key questions for Japanese visual culture, Habsburg studies, and cross-cultural histories of photography and globalisation.

“Luke Gartlan’s book is a compelling and enjoyable read, and contributes major new perspectives to the growing field of Meiji photography. It will certainly be the authoritative work on Raimund von Stillfried, but it is also impressive for its contributions to other important areas of Meiji cultural studies, including representations of the emperor, photography of Hokkaido, and world’s fairs.”
Bert Winther-Tamaki (University of California, Irvine)
- source : facebook -


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Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

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1 comment:

  1. Nicholas Chevalier (9 May 1828 – 15 March 1902)
    was a Russian-born artist
    ... in 1869, he joined HMS Galatea as an artist and came to Japan to do some paintings.


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