
- Sutras BACKUP

Backup September 2014

original is HERE

. Fudo and related Sutras 不動とお経 .


Fudo and related Sutras 不動とお経


Bussetsu Sho Fudo Kyo
(bussestu shoo fudoo kyoo)

仏説聖不動経 (ぶっせつしょうふどうきょう)


爾時大会       有一明王
にじだいえ       ういつみょうおう
この時、大会に    一人の明王あり

是大明王       有大威力
ぜだいみょうおう   うだいいりき
この大明王は    大威力あり

大悲徳故      現青黒形
だいひとくこ     げんしょうこくぎょう
大悲の徳の故に   青黒の形を現じ

大定徳故      座金剛石
だいじょうとくこ   ざこんこうせき
大定の徳の故に   金剛石に座り

大智慧故      現大火炎
だいちえこ     げんだいかえん
大いなる智慧の故に  大火焔を現わしたまう

執大智剣      害貪瞋癡
しゅだいちけん   がいとんじんち
大智の剣を執って   貧瞋癡を害し

持三昧索      縛難伏者
じさんまいさく    ばくなんぶくしゃ
三昧の索を持して   難伏の者を縛す

無相法身      虚空同体
むそうほっしん   こくうどうたい
無相の法身は    虚空と同体なれば

無其住所      但住衆生
むごじゅうしょ    たんじゅうしゅじょう
その住処なく        ただ衆生の

心想之中     衆生意想
しんそうしちゅう  しゅじょういそう
心想の中に住したもう   衆生の意想は

各各不同     随衆生意
かくかくふどう   ずいしゅしょうい
それぞれ不同なれば   衆生の心に従って

而作利益     所求円満
にさりやく      しょきゅうえんまん
しかも利益をなし    所求円満せしめたまう

爾時大会     聞説是経
にじだいえ     もんせつぜきょう
その時 大会は   この経を説きたまうを聞き

皆大歓喜     信受奉行
かいだいかんき しんじゅぶぎょう 皆、
大いに歓喜して   信受し奉行せり

仏説聖不動経  ぶっせつしょうふどうきょう

© www.sakai.zaq.ne.jp



Bussetsu Shou Fudou Kyou
An apocryphal text used in Tendai Shugendo

At that time in the Great Assembly, there was one Vidyaraja.
This Great Vidyaraja possesses great majestic strength.
He has the virtue of great compassion, thus he appears in a bluish-black body.
He has the virtue of great meditative stillness, thus he sits on a vajra-rock.
He has great wisdom, thus he manifests great flames.
He grips the sword of great wisdom to destroy greed, anger, and ignorance.
He holds the rope of samadhi to bind those who are difficult to tame.

He is the markless Dharmakaya, identical with all-encompassing space itself, thus he has no dwelling.
His only dwelling is in the minds and thoughts of living beings.
The minds and inclinations of all beings are different.
In accordance with the minds of living beings, benefit is given and what is sought for is attained. At that time, all in that great assembly heard this teaching and were filled with joy.

Faithfully receiving it, they reverently put it into practice.
Source: Tendai@yahoogroups: 12/8/2000

Fudo and Aizen Kankenki 不動感見記


compilation by Frederic Lecut
source : ja.scribd.com/doc

The Holy Fudo Sutra

as painted by Yamaoka Tesshu

Once during an assembly of the Buddha's followers, Fudo appeared.
This Fudo was tremendously powerful :
Great compassion was evident in his pale dark complexion,
Great stability was obvious as he assumed the Diamond Seat,
And great wisdom was manifest in the flames surrounding him.

Brandishing a sword of insight he cut through the three poisons of greed, anger and delusion;
His samadhi-rope bound the enemies of Buddhism.
Formless like the empty space of the Dharma body,
Fudo settles nowhere but lives in the hearts of sentient beings.
Devoted servant of all, he encourages the well-being and ultimate salvation of sentient beings.
When the entire assembly heard this teaching they joyously believed and received it.

sono toki daie ni hitori no myou-ou imasu. kono dai myou-ou wa dai-iriki ari. daihi no toku no yueni shoukoku no katachi wo genji, daijou no toku no yue ni kongouseki ni zashi, dai-chie no yue nidai-kaen wo genjitamau. daichi no ken wo totte wa ton-jin-chi wo gaishi, sanmai no saku wo jishite nanbuku no mono wo bakushi, musou no hosshin, kokuu doutai nareba, sono juusho monashi. tada shujou shinsou no naka ni juushitamau. shujou no isou kakkaku fudou nareba, shujouno kokoro ni shitagaite riyaku wo nashi, shogu enman su. sono toki ni daie, kono kyou wotokitamau wo kikite, mina ooini kangi shite, shinju shi bugyou shiki.


Shoo Mudoo son Dai Inu Oo Himitsu Darani Kyoo
(しょうむどうそん だいいぬおう ひみつだらにきょう)

Keisho Shoo Mudooson Himitsu Daranikyoo 稽首聖無動尊祕密陀羅尼経
(けいしゅ しょうむどうそん ひみつだらにきょう)

底哩三昧耶経 Chiri Sanmaya Kyoo / Trisamaya-acala-kalpa

底哩三昧耶不動尊法 Chiri Sanmaya Fudooson boo/hoo



不動尊劔の文 / 不動尊劔功徳の文












- reference : blog.livedoor.jp/namikirihudou



- reference -


from temple 倶利伽羅不動寺 Kurikara Fudo-Ji
Ri-2 Kurikara, Tsubata, Kahoku District, Ishikawa Prefecture

北陸不動霊場 第24番 札所 Nr. 24 on the Hokuriku Fudo Pilgrimage

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kurikara.or.jp

Sutras and chants related to Fudo Myo-O

- source : raifuku.jugem.jp


O-Fudo Sama Gallery

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