
Uba Gongen



Fudo Myo-O Gallery


Uba Gongen 姥権現
a stone statue

At Mount Iideyama, Iidesan 飯豊山 in Aizu

Many, many and a few many more years ago, there was a young woman from the village of Komatsu, who had the great desire to climb Mt. Iide, although it was strictly forbidden for any female to climb up there. Iideyama was for the male mountain ascetics only.

A man had to fast and purify his body for 21 days before climbing this sacred mountain. So she thought, after 42 days of purification, she was ready to climb up the mountain.

About half way up, she became tired and sat down to rest a while. But she could not get up any more and became a huge boulder instead.

Later the people of Komatsu came to call this boulder "Uba Gongen", the Sacred Old Woman's Boulder". When you pass this boulder, a short shower from the heaven might refresh you on your way.

This mysterious stone is also called
"Old Woman Jizo", Uba Jizo 姥地蔵.


Mt. Iide is 2,105 meters high, and is in the northwest of Aizu area, bordering Niigata and Yamagate prefecture. Young men from the area have to climb this mountain for the first time at age 15, to make their entry in the world of adults.

The mountain is covered with snow throughout the year. People who climb it also wear a white dress.


Gongen (Avatars) of Japan
By Mark Schumacher

... ... ... Jizo Bosatsu


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5/03/2007

    spring in the mountains -
    an old legend

    Thanks, Gabi san !


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