
Buddhist sculptors ENTER


Daruma Pilgrims SPECIAL

Buddhist Sculptors Gallery


Buddhist sculptors - 仏師 / 佛師 busshi
Edo Period to the Present Day

CLICK for more information in Japanese!

Abe Masamoto 阿部正基 (あべまさもと)

Araki Kei-Un 荒木啓運

Bokuda Shuu-un 牧田秀雲 (ぼくだしゅううん)

Eba Rinkoo 江場琳黌(えばりんこう)
his son, Eba Rinkan 江場琳觀(えばりんかん)

Enkuu 円空 (えんくう) 
Master Carver of the Edo Period

Eri Kookei 江里康慧(えり こうけい)
his wife, Eri Sayoko 江里佐代子

Fujijima Shigeru 藤島茂 (ふじじましげる)

Fukui Shoomyoo 福井照明(ふくいしょうみょう)

Funatani Ki-Un 舟谷喜雲 (ふなたにきうん)

Hashimoto Kentaroo 橋本堅太郎(はしもとけんたろう)

Hirano Senri 平野千里(ひらのせんり)

Imamura Tsukumo 今村九十九(いまむらつくも)

Ishihara Yoshisada 石原良定

Iwamoto Ryookei 岩本凌慶(いわもとりょうけい)

Kagami Tsuneo 鏡恒夫(かがみつねお)

Kaikei 快慶 - Kamakura period

Kanemaru Etsuroo 金丸悦朗(かなまるえつろう)

Kishida Rikuzoo 岸田陸象 (きしだりくぞう)

Kitamura Seiboo 北村西望(きたむらせいぼう)

Komori 小森紫虹

Kurita Kazunari Trading Co. ..... All kinds of statues.

Kyoto Buddha Statues Workshop 京都仏像工房

The Matsuhisa Family of Carvers
Matsuhisa Hoorin 松久朋琳 (まつひさ ほうりん)
Matsuhisa Soorin 松久宗琳 (まつひさそうりん)
Matsuhisa Maya 松久真や(まつひさまや)
Matsuhisa Sakayuu 松久佳遊(まつひさかゆう)

Matsumoto Myookei 松本明慶(まつもとみょうけい)

Mokujiki "The Wood Eater" 木喰
Master Carver of the Edo Period

Mokujo (Mokujoo) 目定 . 目定上人. Edo Period. Mostly Hokkaido

Mori Family of Sculptors 森彫刻所. With a Daruma statue.

Morimura Torizoo 森村酉三

Mukoyoshi Yuuboku 向吉悠睦(むこよしゆうぼく)

Nagata Seihoo 長田晴鳳(ながたせいほう)
his father, Nagata Seizan 長田晴山

Nakagawa Daikan 中川大幹(なかがわだいかん)

Nakano Soozan 中野双山(中野雙山)(なかのそうざん)

Nishimura Koochoo 西村公朝 (にしむら こうちょう)
Famous restaurateur, 仏像修理技師.

Shimizu Ryukei (Shimizu Ryuukei) 清水隆慶

Takada Matashiroo 高田又四郎(たかだまたしろう

Takamura Kooun 高村 光雲 (たかむら こううん)
From Edo to the Modern Times

Takenouchi Hisakazu 竹内久一(たけのうちひさかず)
1857(安政4)年生まれ 1916(大正5)年逝去

Takita Sakae 滝田栄 actor and sculptor, born 1950

Tsubota Saimyoo 坪田最明(つぼたさいみょう)

Unkei 運慶 . (d. 1223)

Uno Takamitsu 宇野孝光(うのたかみつ)

Utsuno Senkoo 宇津野善光(うつのぜんこう)

Watanabe Seizan / his wife, Saihoo

Watanabe Keishuu 渡辺景秋 (わたなべけいしゅう)

Watanabe Soo-un 渡邉宗雲(わたなべそううん)

Yamada Shinzan 山田真山(やまだしんざん)
1885年(明治18年) 12月27日 - 1977年(昭和52年) 1月29日

Yamamoto San-Un 山本山雲 (やまもとさんうん)

Yamamoto Zui-Un 山本瑞雲 (やまもとずいうん)

Yamato Soo-Un 大和宗雲(やまとそううん)

Yamazaki Chooun 山崎朝雲(やまざきちょううん)
1867(慶応3)年生まれ 1954(昭和29)年逝去

Yamazaki Shoorin 山崎祥琳 (やまざきしょうりん)

Yasuda Myoogen 安田明玄(やすだみょうげん)

Yonehara Unkai 米原雲海 (よねはら うんかい)

Yoshiya Kuboo 由谷倶忘(よしやぐぼう)


Statues of Fudo Myo-O by some of these sculptors:

Japanese LINKs :
CLICK for Japanese information.
鎌倉新書 Kamakura Shinsho: www.butuzo.com

Sculptors of Great Buddhist Statues / Japanese Reference


. Edo no shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .

source : edoichiba.jp. butu...

- CLICK for more Busshi !



Who made Buddha Statues ? - - Mark Schumacher

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja .

- 2019 - Kyoto museum solves mystery
of who carved ancient statues

. Gyokai at temple Monmyo-Ji .

. Gokuraku 極楽 the Buddhist Paradise .




  1. 仏師逝き火なき囲炉裏を残したる
    busshi naki hi naki irori o nokoshitaru

    the Buddhist sculptor is dead
    and left the sunken hearth
    without a fire . . .

    Makino Shunku 牧野春駒
    more about the irori

  2. Heian Period
    Kooshoo, Kōshō 康尚 Buddhist sculptor Kosho

    Called 「仏師職の祖」, "the Ancestor of professional Buddhist Sculptors".
    He did not work for any special temple but established his own workshop in Kyoto. He had many disciples who promoted his style.
    His father was 源康行, his son Joochoo, Jōchō 定朝 Jocho (? - 1057).

    He also made statues of Byakudan Yakushi 白檀薬師像 and Fudo Myo-o 東福寺同聚院不動明王坐.

  3. Legend from Nagano 下伊那郡 Shimo-Ina district 高森町 Takamori town
    aojishi, aoi shishi 青獅子 blue lion head

    A carver of Buddhist statues had come from Kyoto and asked the temple priest to have him make a statue.
    The priest was suspicious and asked for a lion head.
    The carver took water ablutions under the waterfall and then started to work.
    Finally the lion head was finished, but it was not well done, so he threw it into the waterfall basin.
    The lion head turned all blue and begun to grunt.
    A cooking pot cracked, thunder was heard and a lot of rain fell.
    This was later called nabe-wari 鍋割 "cracking a pot"
    and the blue lion head was used for amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals.


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