
Kubikiri Jizo


Fudo Myo-O Gallery


Jizo with his head cut off - 首切り地蔵
kubikiri Jizo, kubikiri Jizoo

Chop-Neck Jizo / Neck chop Jizo
Jizo statue with its neck severed

There are various legends about Jizo statues with a head cut off.


Jizo statues in the are of the ninja in Iga 伊賀忍者.
The Iga and Koga fighters were the only ones to resist the onslaught of Oda Nobunaga to unify the area. They had promised to help each other to defent themselves. Nobunaga first defeated the Koga and then marched on into Igaland.
The Iga seemed to be driven back and then he came back with a large army of 45000 soldiers and defeated them.
The area with stone statued, which were also beheaded by the soldiers to show their might, are still to be seen today.

CLICK For original Link, NHK HISTORIA
source: NHK Historia


Kubikiri Jizo Son 首切地蔵尊
The fugitives of Heike (the Taira clan), who were defeated in the battle of the Uji River and driven into the mountains, died a violent death in present-day Tanba City in 1184. Feeling sorry for them, the villagers erected several stones and placed flowers in front of them to pray for the repose of their souls.
By and by the stones became famous as Jizo statues, which have the power to fulfill people’s wishes. 3 statues of Jizo with no heads stand side by side on the stone steps and 7 in the small hall.
Those statues are known for fulfilling the wishes concerning the head such as academic accomplishment, prevention of becoming forgetful with age, and recovery from illness. A lot of students taking an entrance examination to a university come to pray for these Jizo statues during the season of the entrance exams.
On the days of Jizo Festivals held in March and September every year, a lot of visitors come to the mountain, which is also known as a nice place for hiking.
source : nippon-kichi.jp

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On a path in Nara Park in the Kasuga woods
is this Jizo with his neck sliced by famous samurai, Araki Mataemon, while testing his blade for sharpness...

- shared by John Dougill - facebook -


Mizuyoshi Town 水吉

Three stone heads of Buddha stautes
石造仏頭(せきぞうぶっとう) sekizoo buttoo

CLICK for original LINK : portal.jmix.jp/furusato/bunkazai.php?chk3=on

head of Amida, 73 cm
head of Kannon, 71 cm
head of Jizo, 55 cm

in 三和区水吉

The Jizo had been in Mizuyoshi Jizo Yashiki 水吉地蔵屋敷.
Kannon and Amida come from 水吉字堂. They are generally known as the

Jizo with the cut head.
The bodies have been made of a natural stone in nature and the head of each deity had been put on top of that. The heads are rather large.
Niigata Prefecture


There is even a detective story from Nara with this title!



The statue is on the Kasuga trail in Nara.


Fukushima 福島県 - 泉崎村 Izumizaki village
This kubikiri Jizo is also called 武光地蔵 Takemitsu Jizo.
- here is the story:
In 仙台伊達藩 the Date Domain (Sendai)lived a samurai named 赤胴三五平 Akado Sangobe .
He had to go to Edo by an order from his lord.
When he passed here, he saw a beautiful woman on the road in the evening.
He thought this woman must be a monster and tried to kill her with his sword named
Takemitsu 武光 (竹光) "bamboo sword".
On his way back from Edo he passed the same spot and saw a stone statue of Jizo with its head fallen off . . .


At the temple Enmei-Ji in Tokyo


kubikiri Jizoo 首切り地蔵 Jiso Bosatsu to help the beheaded

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This statue is 3.6 meters high and was erected in 1714.
It has been put up for those who could not get the final Buddhist rites in the time of dying. They were executed. See also below, kubizuka.
At the Kotsukappara 小塚原刑場 execution grounds in Minami Senju, Edo.

. Criminal Punishment in Edo .


Kubizuka, memorial stone pagodas and mounds
for the beheaded ... 首塚

Jizoo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

O-Fudo Sama Gallery




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