



Fudo Myo-O Gallery


Shaka Nyorai 釈迦如来  Gautama Buddha

. Seiryoojishiki Shaka 清凉寺式釈迦 .
Shaka Nyorai at temple Seiryoji in Saga, Kyoto

. pokkuri Shaka ポックリ釈迦 granting sudden death .

Introducing Buddha Statues

撫で仏と賓頭盧, びんずる、びんづる ビンヅル
Nadebotoke and Binzuru, the Arhat


Shaka Nehanzo Temple Anaoji
Kameoka City, Kyoto 穴太寺

© tatubou44 with more photos

The "Buddha entering Nirvana" (nehanzoo) is a kind of nadebotoke 撫で仏 and people come to touch and rub him on the part where their own pain is felt. Some got better and now send a futon cover for the statue. The head priest uses all the covers from so many people, a different every day sometimes, to keet the buddha from cold in winter and heat in summer.
If it is covered, you just turn away the futon and rub the statue at the place of your pain.
You can see his neck is quite cleanly rubbed.
Usually Binzurusama is the rubbed one, a Shaka lying down to be rubbed is very seldom, maybe the only one in Japan. But it is heartwarming to see people flock around him with their sincere wish to get better.

. . . CLICK here for Photos 釈迦涅槃像(撫で仏)!

Anao-ji is the 21st temple on the Saigoku Kannon pilgrimage.
In 962 the priest at the temple was shot by a local samurai. When the warrior entered the temple to steal the rich altar-fittings he found the statue of Kannon pierced with an arrow and bleeding from her breast. The samurai repented and went on to fund many of the temple's works. His grave is in the temple grounds.
source :  www.taleofgenji.org

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Anaoji's wooden Gautama Buddha statue

© PHOTO : www.city.kameoka.kyoto.jp


16 Gute Gottheiten um einen Shakyamuni
(Juuroku Zenjin 十六善神)

16 Gute Gottheiten um die Statue eines Shaka Nyorai oder eine Shaka-Dreiergruppe. Je acht Statuen rechts und links. Sie haben besondere Kräfte, um den Menschen unmittelbar zur Erleuchtung zu verhelfen.
Als Bilder entweder jeweils acht oder zwei auf einer Rolle oder 16 Rollen, für jede Figur eine.

Beim Ritual der großen Hanya-Versammlung (Daihanya-e) werden vor diesen 16 Statuen die 600 Hanya-Sutrabände von sechs Priestern schnell fächerförmig aufgefaltet. Diese Hanya-Sutras sollen auch heilkräftige Wirkung haben und werden bei Krankheiten aufgestellt oder aufgelegt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden sie auch "Jünger des Daihanya-Sutra" (Daihanya juuroku zenjin) genannt.

Shaka 釈迦十六善神
16の夜叉神(やしゃじん) juuroku no yashajin

Meist die vier Himmelskönige und 12 weitere Ten-Statuen mit furchterregendem Gesichtsausdruck.
Sie tragen fast alle chinesische Rüstungen. Manche tragen Waffen. Einer hat eine Sutrarolle (Weisheit, hanya) auf dem Rücken. Dies sei Genjoo Sanzoo, der chinesische Mönch, der nach Indien wanderte und viele Sutras nach China zurückbrachte. Er ist der eigentliche Begründer der Hanya-Tradition.

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Sie haben nach Tanaka folgende Bezeichnungen und tragen bestimmte Gegenstände:

..... Daitorada (Jikokuten) ..... - Zwei Arme; rechte Hand: großes Schwert, linke Hand: Dreizack.
..... Birurokusha (Zoochooten) ..... - Zwei Arme; rechte Hand: Donnerkeil, linke Hand: an der Hüfte liegend.
..... Saifuku Dokugai..... - Zwei Arme; Großes Schwert.
..... Zooyaku..... - Vier Arme; Großes Schwert, Schwert, Rad, Pilgerstab.

..... Kanki..... - Zwei Arme; Angelhaken mit einer Spitze; andere Hand an der Hüfte.
..... Shoitsu Saishoonan ..... - Sechs Arme; langer Stab mit drei Spitzen, Sutrenrolle, Reliquienpagode, rote Lotusblüte, Angelhaken, Schneckentrompete.
..... Batsujosaiku..... - Zwei Arme; Stab mit fünf Spitzen, Faust über dem Kopf erhoben.
..... Noonin..... - Zwei Arme; Großes Schwert, Hellebarde.

..... Fueshiramanu (Tamonten) ..... - Zwei Arme; Diamant-Pagode, Reliquienpagode.
..... Birubakusha (Koomokuten) ..... - Zwei Arme; Pinsel und Schreibrolle.
..... Riissai Fui ..... - Zwei Arme; Donnerkeil mit einem Zacken, Faust.
..... Kugoissai ..... - Zwei Arme; gefaltete Hände mit roter halboffener Lotusblüte.

..... Shoofuku Shoma ..... - Zwei Arme; Schwert, der andere Arm herunter~hängend.
..... Nooku Shoou..... - Zwei Arme; gefaltete Hände mit hervorstehenden Zeigefingern.
..... Shishi Imoo..... - Vier Arme; Axt, Schwert, Sutrenschatulle.
..... Yuumoo Shinchi..... - Zwei Arme.


Nach Ashida:
Daizurata, Birurokusha, Saibuku Dokugai, Zooyaku, Kanki, Joissai Joonan, Batsujo Zaiku, Noonin, Beishitsuramedo, Biruhasha, Riissai Fui, Kugoissai, Setsubuku Shoma, Nooku Shoou, Shishi Imiyoo, Yuumyoo Shinchi.

.Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who   

Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie
von japanischen Buddhastatuen

Gabi Greve, 1994

English is here

16 Protectors of Shaka Nyorai
a specific group of warlike figures
. 16 Good Gods / Juroku Zenjin   





If you meet the Buddha



Fudo Myo-O Gallery


If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!

When I once (more than 30 years ago) tried to outsmart my Japanese Archery (Kyudo) teacher with Western Wit and this saying, he gave me the "Asiatic smile" and replied:

Be careful with Asian wisdom.
The first Buddha you are going to meet on the WAY
is yourself.

Are you ready to kill ?


The text on the painting reads: Hui-K’o, the great general, (retired), was troubled in his search for the way. Many times he beseeched the Daruma to teach him and to pacify his mind.

Always, The Daruma refused.

To show his utter sincerity, Hui-K’o cut off his own left hand.

“What do you seek?”, asked The Daruma.
“Peace of mind”, replied Hui-K’o.
“Show me this mind of yours”, said The Daruma, “and I will pacify it”.
“But when I seek my mind, I cannot find it”, was the reply.
“THERE!” , said The Daruma, “I have pacified your mind!”
----- “YES!”, said Hui-K’o, and laughed.

Hui-K’o retired about 525 C.E., I think, and after the very first “satori” or “sudden and complete awakening”, became the second Patriarch of Chan, or Zen, Buddhism. Satori is sort of the central and defining characteristic of the Chan or Zen variety of Buddhism.
In the painting, The moon-filling tile patch, (where an agonized Hui-K’o holds his severed hand and the Daruma’s back is turned to him),is a Penrose P-3 tiling. That is to say, it is based not on the darts and kites ,(p-2), but on the fat-and-skinny rhombs,(P-3).

A plot for the moon-covering patch is shown on a scrap of paper on the ground in front of the Daruma. I think Prof. Paul Steinhardt called this patch a “seed” in his Physics Review Letters piece de-mystifying how quasicrystals might form without somehow reading the future.

Mystical, and replete with B.S. though it is like any religion, I have much more respect for Zen Buddhism than for any other religion. And not merely for its aesthetics. Zen is the only religion I know of that provides for its own transcendence.
Thus: Zen says,

If you meet the Buddha
on the path to enlightenment,
kill him.

Here one finds no equivocation or uncertainty about what to do if doctrine or dogma or specifically religious values of any sort or sanctity should interfere with your progress toward wisdom and enlightenment. I
In short: Dispense with the B.S. and get on with the enlightenment!
source :  2000 John A.L. Osborn

Thank you, John !


Embrace nothing:
If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha.
If you meet your father, kill your father.
Only live your life as it is,
Not bound to anything.

Gautama Buddha


Zen Master Lin Chi spoke thus:

If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha.
If you meet a Patriarch, kill the Patriarch.

Lin Chi isn't condoning murder, he is using a metaphor to explain the nature of Buddhism.
Don't believe what some one says, no matter how holy they are, just because they say it.


The Pilgrimage of Psychotherapy Patients
Sheldon B. Kopp


If you meet the Buddha on the road . . . buy him!



They ask me why I live in the green mountains.
I smile and don't reply; my heart's at ease.
Peach blossoms flow downstream, leaving no trace
- And there are other earths and skies than these.

. Li Po 李白 (701-762)   


Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

O-Fudo Sama Gallery



Ogata Korin



Daruma Pilgrims Gallery


Ogata Korin, Ogata Koorin 尾形光琳

the dates given for his life vary
1657 - June 2, 1716
万治元年(1658年) - 享保元年6月2日(1716年7月20日))
1658 - June 20, 1716

CLICK for more photos

Koorin Ki 光琳忌 (こうりんき) Korin Memorial Day
late summer kigo for haiku

東京国立博物館 大琳派展

. . . CLICK here for Japanese Photos !

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Golden glories : Museum in Ueno celebrates Rinpa
Michael Dunn

Ogata Kōrin
1658 - June 2, 1716
Japanese painter of the Rinpa school
Kōrin broke away from all tradition, and developed a very original and quite distinctive style of his own, both in painting and in the decoration of lacquer.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

rinpa 琳派 Rinpa school of painting
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


Designing Nature
The Rinpa Aesthetic in Japanese Art

May 26, 2012–January 13, 2013

"Rinpa" is a modern term that refers to a distinctive style of Japanese pictorial and applied arts that arose in the early seventeenth century and has continued through modern times. Literally meaning "school of Korin," Rinpa derives its name from Ogata Korin (1658–1716), a celebrated painter from Kyoto. It embraces art marked by a bold, graphic abbreviation of natural motifs, frequent reference to traditional court literature and poetry, the lavish use of expensive mineral and metallic pigments, incorporation of calligraphy into painting compositions, and innovative experimentation with new brush techniques.

The exhibition features more than one hundred brilliantly executed works of art created in Japan by the Rinpa-school artists. The works on view are part of the first rotation; the second rotation will open on September 12, 2012. Highlighting the school's most prominent proponents, this two-part presentation traces the development of the Rinpa aesthetic and demonstrates how its style continued to influence artists throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Comprising more than fifty works from the Museum's own holdings supplemented by forty-five loans from public and private collections on the east coast, the exhibition includes many masters' renowned works in a variety of media—painting, textiles, lacquerware, and ceramics.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
source : www.metmuseum.org


Kakitsubata ... Iris

Korin Plums (koorin no ume 光琳の梅), a sweet

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

O-Fudo Sama Gallery



Tsukiji Fish Market

. Chūō ku 中央区 Chuo Ward "Central Ward" .


Daruma Pilgrims Gallery


Tsukiji Fish Market

Tsukiji fish market (Japanese: 築地市場, Tsukiji shijō, tsukiji shijoo) is the biggest wholesale fish and seafood market in the world and also one of the largest wholesale food markets of any kind. The market is located in Tsukiji in central Tokyo, and is a major attraction for foreign visitors (few Japanese casually visit the market).

The first market in Tokyo was established by Tokugawa Ieyasu during the Edo period to provide food for Edo castle (nowadays Tokyo). Tokugawa Ieyasu invited fishermen from Tsukudajima, Osaka to Edo in order to provide fish for the castle. Fish not bought by the castle was sold near the Nihonbashi bridge, at a market called Nihonbashi Uogashi 日本橋魚河岸 (literally, "fish quay") which was one of many specialized wholesale markets that lined the canals of Edo (as Tokyo was known until the 1870s).

In August 1918, following the so-called "Rice Riots" (米騒動 kome soodoo), which broke out in over one hundred cities and towns in protest against food shortages and the speculative practices of wholesalers, the Japanese government was forced to create new institutions for the distribution of foodstuffs, especially in urban areas. A Central Wholesale Market Law was established in March 1923.

The Great Kantō earthquake on September 1, 1923, devastated much of central Tokyo, including the Nihonbashi fish market. In the aftermath of the earthquake, the market was relocated to the Tsukiji district, and after the construction of a modern market facility was completed in 1935, the fish market began operations under the provisions of the 1923 Central Wholesale Market Law.
Three major markets in Tsukiji, Kanda and Koto began operating in 1935. Smaller branch markets were established in Ebara, Toshima, and Adachi, and elsewhere. At present, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's system of wholesale markets includes more than a dozen major and branch markets, handling seafood, produce, meat, and cut flowers.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- - - Fish Market at Nihonbashi
Utagawa Hiroshige

The Official Tsukiji Homepage

It is said that "Uogashi" or a riverside fish market dates back to the 16th century, the beginning of the Edo period. Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first Tokugawa shogun and builder of Edo as is now Tokyo, invited fishermen from Tsukudajima, Osaka and gave them a privilege for fishing in order to let them supply seafood to Edo Castle. The fishermen purveyed fish to the Castle and sold the remains near the Nihonbashi bridge. It was the origin of Uogashi.

Then, to meet the growing demand for fish with the increase in population, Nihonbashi Uogashi was reformed and developed into a market. The market was lead by wholesale merchants licensed by the Shogunate who bought fish from local ports, sold them to jobbers in the market and thus built up a large fortune, forming their own distributing network. Vegetables markets handling vegetables gathered in the suburbs of Edo were established in Kanda, Senju and Komagome: the Edo's three big vegetable markets. The markets attained prosperity led by wholesalers and jobbers like fish markets.

During the Edo period the market price was determined chiefly by negotiated transactions between sellers and buyers. Public auction was hardly taken place except in vegetable markets. In the Meiji and Taisho eras, the privilege of wholesale merchants were abolished. In 1923 some 20 private markets in Tokyo were destroyed almost completely by the Great Kanto Earthquake. After the earthquake, Tokyo City as it then was undertook to construct a central wholesale market on the bases of the Central Wholesale Market Law which had been promulgated in the same year. As a result, the three markets of Tsukiji, Kanda and Koto were founded and the growing population then led to a succession of new markets.

Tokyo Central Wholesale Market handled 787,782 tons (2,888 tons a day) of marine products, 748 billion yen (2.8 billion yen a day) total in 1993. Some 450 kinds of fish are received; this figure is unparalleled in the world. Marine products sections are set up in three markets: Tsukiji, Ohta and Adachi. Above all Tsukiji Market, handling 87% of the total amount, is one of the biggest markets in the world.

December 2008
Various problems have arisen in association with the increased number of tourists (including sanitation management problems such as temperature control issues caused by the entry and exit of large numbers of unauthorized persons, and problems with visitors impeding the auction and other trading activities), especially at the early morning auction held in the tuna wholesale area.
For these reasons, tourists are currently not allowed to enter the tuna wholesaling areas.

source : www.tsukiji-market.or.jp


CLICK for more English information
Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World
Theodore C. Bestor
University of California Press, 2004 (ISBN 0-520-22024-2)


To cut the large maguro tuna fish, there are specialists with long knives of more than two meters, almost a sword, handled by two persons to cut a fish very efficiently.
maguro knife, maguro boochoo マグロ包丁
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

A knife with two handles is used by one person to cut pieces out of the filets of maguro.

A knife with a stopper is used by one person to cut smaller pieces, to make sure they do not cut themselves, since it takes a lot of power to push the knife through the hard skin and muskles of the fish.

There are specialists who sharpen the knives every day after use.

smaller maguro knives, kaitai boochoo マグロ解体包丁

Cutting a large maguro is sometimes performed for tourists.


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In the precincts at the North end there is a small shrine in honor of the God of Water, 水神さん suijin san. This is a female deity who protects fishermen and is the protector of this fish market. The famous kabuki actor Ishikawa Danjuro comes here to worship and celebrate his strong connection to his supporters of the market. They even offered an opening curtain to the Kabuki theater.

Danjuro painted a poster for the festival of the day of the fish, toto no hi 魚の日(ととのひ)
CLICK for more photos
Poster by Ichikawa Danjuro 市川団十郎

toto, 10月10日, the tenth of the tenth months.

The famous Kabuki play of Sukeroku 助六 (すけろく)relates a story of the old uogashi fish market of Edo, where the hero wears the famous purple headband. It is one of the favorite roles in the Ishikawa repertoire.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of Sukeroku !

The deity venerated at the shrine at Tsukiji is Mizuha Nome no Mikoto 彌都波能賣神 ミズハノメノミコト, a child of Izanagi no Mikoto, founder of Japan.
An annual festival 水神祭 is held in his honor.
The present mikoshi carried around was re-constructed in 1928.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Sukeroku 助六 - Hero of Edo .

Another famous person from Uogashi :
. Isshin Tasuke 一心太助 the fishmonger of Edo .

Suijin, the God of Water 水神 Mizu no Kamisama


The building looks almost like a train station, in the fashon of the Museum Musée d'Orsay in Paris, with rounded beams and decoration parts in the iron columns. It is in the form of a fan to make room for a connecting train system to transport the fish. Today thousands of huge trucks come and go to carry the fish.

Inside a lot of small electric cars with special capacity to turn around on the spot carry the fish from here to there.

CLICK for original LINK and more photos

Most stores continue for many generations and even if they are contestants in the business, most are old friends. The daily auctions of tuna and other fish are a small war, but when it is over, it is done and they help each other and learn from each other. Spotting a good fresh maguro and go for it in an auction is a task usually done by the elders with a lot of experience. The language of their fingers as they communicate with the auctioneer, all over within a few minutes, it is a spectacle in itself and draws many tourists.


Shrine Tsukiji Namiyoke Inari Jinja

"protection from waves"

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Build almost 350 years ago, when the sea of the area was filled with land for the city building of Edo after the Fire of Meireki in 1657.

It is an Inari shrine that was built on the water's edge when this part of Tokyo (then Edo) was created from landfill after the Meireki Fire of 1657.
One night the workers saw a strange light and took a boat to investigate. They found a part belonging to an Inari Fox Shrine 稲荷大神 for worship. When they came back, they errected a shrine to honor the Fox Deity and prayed for protection at sea.

When the fishmarket of Edo was relocated to Tsukiji in 1923, this shrine was also relocated to protect the area and the business.

There are special Haiku Offerings at this shrine during the Setsubun festival in February.

波除稲荷神社 Homepage


Tsukiji hatsu kotoba asobi wa go shichi choo

it originated in Tsukiji ...
playing with words rhyming
five seven pfive

月路乃京泉 Title of a Book


. Nihonbashi 日本橋 "Japan Bridge" in Edo / Tokyo   

WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI

Fish Market, a haiku topic

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan


- quote -
Tokyo Tsukiji Hotel Building (Tokyo Tsukiji Hoteru-kan)
Tsukiji Hotel is the first western-style hotel in Japan built as a foreign residence in Tsukiji.
The appearance of this hotel became highly praised as a new famous spot of Tokyo that would usher in a new modernity, and many sightseers came to visit. Artists also competed to capture the hotel in nishiki-e (colored woodblock prints).
The artist Utagawa Yoshitora (1828-1888) was famed as a painter from the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate until the middle of the Meiji period. His greatest works were the drawings known as Yokohama-e (pictures of Yokohama) and kaika-e (enlightenment pictures), which captured the new customs before and after the Meiji Restoration, and this work is a part of the kaika-e.
The official name for the Tsukiji Hotel is the Edo Hotel and in this painting the upper section of the western-style architecture can be seen over the outer surroundings. There is a script saying "with a frontage of 40-ken, depth of 42-ken, height of 9-jō 3-shaku" and from this we can grasp the scale of the main building.
Unfortunately this Tsukiji Hotel building burned down only four years after completion and was accordingly called the "Hotel of Illusion" but its name is left in history as the building that represents the dawn of a new era from the closing of the Tokugawa Shogunate to the opening of the Meiji period. The place where the Tsukiji Hotel stood is now where the multi-story car park of the central wholesale market is.
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Library -



- #tsukiji #fischmarkt -





Daruma Pilgrims Gallery


Asakayama ... 安積山 ( あさかやま )

Place name in Hiwada Town, Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture.
福島県郡山市 日和田町
A "pillow word" (utamakura) of the Manyo-Shu.

It is situated in a plain and the name refers to the domain of Asaka 阿尺(あさか)国. Asaka can also be written with these Chinese characters: 浅香.

CLICK for more photos

Asakayama is a place well known to the poets of old.
Even Matsuo Basho, on his tour to the Narrow Roads of the North, visited this mountain area in July 17, 1689. It is close to Shirakawa.
Now it serves as the Nature Park, where you can enjoy the cherry blossoms and later on the azaleas.

More Japanese resources


Oku no Hosomichi : Station 12 - Sukagawa

The following day, 5.1, they went on to Hiwada, a post town on the northern highway which provided courtesans and other comforts and entertainments for travellers. The place is called Hiwada because the houses are thatched with cypress bark (hiwada).

The Mount Asaka Basho refers to is located north and east of Hiwada. Today there is another mountain by the same name near Lake Inawashiro, but it is not the mountain Basho visited. The mountain Basho visited is much used as a pillow word, for example in MYS, v. 16 in a poem by Uneme beginning Asakayama. When Basho speaks of many marshes in the area, this, too, is a pillow word.

Sora reports on the area saying, "To the right of Mount Asaka is a low lying area which by then was largely fields, but a few marshes remained. The area still retains the ancient name Asakanuma.

source :  www.uoregon.edu


Two ancient wooden tablets (mokkan 歌木簡 ) from the Man'yōshū, containing the following waka have recently been found in Shiga prefecture, at the archeological site of the Shigaraki Palace in Kōka City. On the backside the slat showed part of the Naniwa-tsu waka from the Kokinshū which Ki no Tsurayuki had paired with the Asakayama poem.


(安積香山 影副所見 山井之 浅心乎 吾念莫国)


like the clear moutain well
that reflects the shadow
of Mount Asakayama
my heart is not shallow
when I think of you
Tr. Gabi Greve

Japanese Reference May 22, 2008



Manyo-Shu 16-3807 万葉集 : A Collection of a Myriad Leaves. Man'yōshū
Saki no Uneme 前采女 . さきのうねめ

Asakayama kage sae miyuru yama no i no
asaki kokoro o aga mo wa naku ni

asakayama kage sae miyuru yama no i no
asaki kokoro o wa ga omowanaku ni

Asakayama -
Like the deep mountain well
that reflects even the shadow of things,
I think of you
Not with a shallow heart

Tr. Yasuhito Kakiya

The love I bear you
is not like the shallow pool
mountain spring water
holding the mirrored image
of Mount Asaka itself.

Tr. Helen Craig McCullough

Asaka Mountain -
In a shallow mountain spring
A clear reflection:
Not so shallow is the heart
Where my thoughts mirrored you.

Tr. Edward Cranston


Asakayama Kage sae miyuru Yama no i no
Asaku wa hito o Omou mono ka wa

JSTOR: Lord Tamekane's Notes on Poetry. Tamekanekyo Wakasho

Read another waka about Asakayama

Asakayama asaku mo hito o omowanu ni
nado yama no i o kakena haruran

Selections from The Tale of Genji and The Tale of the Heike


The Mountain Well at Akasayama ... 山ノ井清水

There are two places who claim to be IT.

At Hiwada Town 日和田町

At Katahira Town 片平町

source : www.bashouan.com

In Katahira there is also a park in honor of Uneme,
Uneme Park (Yamanoi Park)
Princess Haru was Uneme for the Imperial Court, and her sad love story was told from generation to generation. "Spring-water of Yamanoi" is told to be the place where the princess threw herself into the water.
source :  www.kanko-koriyama.gr.jp

Uneme is also a general name for an attendant at the Imperial Court, a kind of waitress at the table of the emperor.


More Japanese Waka with this place name


source :  yamatouta

tanka waka

安達が原の鬼女伝説 Adachigahara demon woman legend
. Kurozuka 黒塚 Kurozuka legend and Noh play .

Basho :
- - - Station 12 - Asaka Yama あさか山 - - - Kurozuka

Utamakura, place names used in Poetry

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

O-Fudo Sama Gallery

World Kigo Database



Konpira Daigongen



Fudo Myo-O Gallery


Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現
(こんぴらだいごんげん) Kompira Daigongen,
Konbira Daigongen, Kombira Daigongen, Kompira Gongen

Shrine Kotohira, Kotohiragu (Kotohira Guu) 琴平宮

This deity is often simply called "Kompira San" こんぴらさん.
It is the Hindu deity Kum-bhira, Kumbhira (クンビーラ).

Konpira Daigongen is Kubira Taishou of the Twelve Yakushi Generals, or the same deity of Kinbira Taishou.
Konbira originally means a kind of crocodiles, becoming a head of demon deity, he was the divine protection of Oushari-jou (the castle of Buddha). It is famous that he descended to Matsuoji-temple in Sanuki (present Kagawa) and became the divine protection the sea.

source: www.butuzou.co.jp . Kurita


Buddhist Syncretism in Japan

... at Mount Kompira, by affinity of name with its sea god, the Buddhist guardian Kumbhira, originally a Hindu crocodile god of the Ganges River, was said to have flown to Japan and became Kompira. He was accompanied by Elephant's Head Mountain near Bodh Gaya, which figures in the hagiography of the Buddha. Mount Kompira does resemble an elephant's head, although not as much as conventionalized views by Hiroshige and other artists. Given the animism of mountain worship, various divinities could be perceived in Hindu fashion as riders on their mounts. Beyond being a crocodile god, suitable to protect seafarers, Kompira was elevated to a Great Incarnation of the Buddha (daigongen).

Anthropomorphic iconography exists of Kompira Daigongen riding the mountain in the form of a white elephant - a creature associated with the Buddha, having served also as the mount of the ancient Hindu god Indra.

In time the Shinto-Buddhist hybrid Kompira Daigongen became identified with the Shinto kami of Mount Kompira, O-kuni-nushi-no-mikoto, one of the founding gods of Japan who was vaguely associated with crocodiles in the White Hare of Inaba myth in the Kojiki. A component from Chinese culture was later assimilated with the identification of the Buddhist and Shinto divinities atop Mount Kompira, with Daikokuten in the guise of one of the Seven Gods of Good Fortune. In iconography he carries a bag like the kami O-kuni-nushi, with "Daikoku" a double pun on the Chinese characters for "O-kuni."

Two more triads can be documented. The second on Mount Kompira is an Eastern Pure Land Triad of the Medicine Buddha Yakushi Nyorai as ruler, Kompira Daigongen as delegate, and Fugen Bosatsu as attendant. Here Fugen (Sanskrit: Samantabhadra Bodhisattva) rides a white elephant in iconography and has been closely associated with the Shingon Buddhist temple on Mount Kompira.

Read the full article HERE
source :  Steve McCarty


This statue is about 70 cm high.
It is carved from plain camphor tree wood.

© PHOTO : shouryu.com


金刀比羅宮 Konpira Shrine

Kotohira-gū Shrines 金刀比羅宮.
Kotohira shrines can be found throughout Japan. Synonymous with Konpira 金比羅 shrines, Kompira 金比羅 shrines, Hitohira 琴平 shrines, or Kotohira 琴平 shrines.
They are devoted to Konpira 金比羅, a local kami 神 (deity) worshipped as the guardian deity for seafarers, navigation, fishing, and water for agriculture. Konpira's Buddhist counterpart is Kubira 宮毘羅, the leader of Yakushi Buddha's Twelve Heavenly Generals (Jūni Shinshō 十二神将), and also one of the Sixteen Protectors of Shaka Nyorai (Jūroku Zenshin 十六善神).

The main shrine is situated on Mt. Zōzusan 象頭山, a maritime location in Kagawa Prefecture (Shikoku Island), where locals fondly call the deity and shrine "Konpira-san" or "Konpira Daigongen" and claim his cult dates back centuries before the introduction of Buddhism to Japan.

- Mark Schumacher -


an amulet in the golden color of happiness

kootsuu anzen 交通安全 amulet for traffic safety

Konpira Inu こんぴら狗 the Dog of Konpira

Some people from Edo, who could not afford to visit so far as Shikoku, put some money around their dog's neck and sent it off with friendly pilgrims to make the pilgrimage (Konpira mairi こんぴら参り) on their behalf. The dogs would follow some other pilgrims and came back with a little amulet from Konpira to show they had made it.
(The story of a dog making the pilgrimage for his master is also told at other shrines and temples throughout Japan.)

Now there is even a children's picture book with the story of
Hashire GON 走れゴン

Homepage of the Shrine
source : www.konpira.or.jp

. Migawari 身代わ御守 amulet from Konpira .


Visit Kotohira !
Folk Stories about
Chopstick washing place for Tengu
A story about “Teppo-man”
Stone steps climbing up to the Kotohira Shrine

Carpenter specialized in Shrines and Dharma

A long time ago, a carpenter who specialized in shrines was asked to conduct a big project. Because of the huge responsibility of the project, he was at a loss as to what to do, and thought of it over days and nights.
One night, he had a dream of a divine message,
“Carve statues of Dharma from a pine tree and meditate, and something good will happen to you.”
Therefore, he started carving Dharma statues and kept looking at them every day.
After following the divine message, he eventually was able to feel at ease, and his work went very well. As a result, he was able to complete the whole construction project of the Asahi-no-yashiro Shrine.
Since then, Dharma statues have been carved to help people in trouble. Today, they are regarded as a good souvenir of Kotohira.
source : town.kotohira.kagawa.jp

Kotohira Daruma 琴平だるま
Sanuki Daruma 讃岐だるま

. Konpira mairi 金比羅参り pilgrimage .
with a rucksack-like wooden box 笈摺 oizuri with a tengu mask.


More in the Daruma Museum Library

During the eighteenth century, as the imperial house began to gain in stature, people identified Konpira Daigongen with the twelfth-century emperor Sutokuin, thereby associating the powers of the god with both the imperial house and with the supernatural powers of tengu, for both Sutokuin and the seventeenth-century priestly reviver of Mt. Zôzu were envisioned in the popular imagination as such winged, long-nosed creatures...
Meiji Civilization and the Politics of Shinto at Kotohira Shrine
Sarah Thal (Rice University) 2002

My Visit to Konpira San in Shikoku..
Kompira San and Daruma San 金毘羅さんと達磨さん
Kompira Kabuki, The Kanemaru Theater
Sanukibori 讃岐彫り Carving from Sanuki Area
..... and
The Ships for Kompira Shrine
金毘羅船々 Kompira Fune, Fune
a famous song about this shrine.

Konpira Daigongen 金毘羅大権現

Gongen Deities of Japan


These barrels with the first sake of the season were but on the boats in the Edo time and then thrown into the sea as an offering to the deity. Some were washed back to the shore and whoever found them had to bring them to the shrine.
This was the famous daisan 代参 of the Kotohira cult.

- - - - - Kobayashi Issa

on-hirahira- kompira koe yo fuyu no tsuki

om bright god
Kompira....that voice! --
winter moon

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the 11th month (December) of 1815, when Issa was traveling around in the area just east of Edo. In the first half of the hokku Issa quotes a mantra chanted for the god Kompira, a deity believed to protect the Dharma and to be an avatar of the bodhisattva Kannon. Perhaps Issa hears the voice of someone chanting the mantra to Kompira, and he also hears another silent hirahira, onomatopoeia for something that is either gleaming or fluttering. For a moment the mantra also seems to be coming from the bright, shining moon, as if the hirahira ("bright") in the mantra were visually "spoken" by the bright light the moon gives off. Kompira isn't connected with moon worship, so perhaps Issa is remembering that the moon is often used as an image to represent Kannon. Or he may simply be praising Kompira by suggesting that even the moon visually, in a silent "voice," repeats Kompira's mantra.

In Issa's time the big main shrine to the god Kompira on the island of Shikoku was located inside the precincts of a Buddhist temple of the Tantric Shingon sect, Matsuoji Temple. Issa made a pilgrimage to this temple-shrine complex in 1794, and at that time he surely heard the whole Kompira mantra being chanted: on-hirahira-kompira-kontei-sowaka. The opening on is Sanskrit om, and the hirahira is probably a reference to the fact that the god's name is actually Kotohira -- Kompira was a popular nickname later created by his many believers around the country. The mantra also has striking soundplay in it and should be spoken out loud: the h- in hira changes to p- after the -m in Kompira, and this -m sound itself echoes the initial on, while kom- is then echoed by kon-. The origin of this popular mantra seems to be unknown, but its sound was no doubt impressive to pilgrims who sang it out while they visited the shrine. By the time Issa visited the shrine, the mantra was well established, and he used it in a hokku:

on-hirahira choo mo kompira mairi kana

om a butterfly
fluttering pilgrim
at Kompira shrine

In Issa's time millions of people hoped to make at least one pilgrimage to the Kompira Shrine. The god-avatar Kompira was believed to protect fishermen and sailors, bring rain for farmers, and bring good fortune in general, and in cities and towns across Japan people formed Kompira kou or associations, to which they made contributions. Few people actually had the time or money to go on long pilgrimages, so the members pooled their money and chose one person each year to visit the main Kompira Shrine in faraway Shikoku and represent all the other members of the association there. Sailors were also usually to busy to make pilgrimages, so when their boats sailed passed the shrine, which is on the top of a mountain overlooking the Inland Sea, they would throw a cask of sake into the sea with a message on it as an offering to Kompira. Anyone who found a cask washed ashore and delivered it to the god at the shrine was believed to share in the god's blessing. Issa refers to this custom in a hokku in 1818:

meigetsu ya on-hirahira no nagashi-daru

harvest moon --
a cask floating ashore
for Kompira

On-hirahira is part of the mantra chanted the god Kompira, but Issa is in the mountainous area near his hometown, so the cask of sake couldn't literally be washed ashore near the Kompira Shrine. Issa seems to be drinking sake with the other villagers as they stay up and toast the full moon, and he seems to be taking the bright, gleaming (hirahira) moon to be a great cask of sake that he hopes will carry his prayer to Kompira.

In the 12th month (January) of 1817 Issa again evokes the Kompira mantra, and he uses hirahira in both its senses of fluttering and gleaming:

kompira no nobori hirahira fuyu no tsuki

Kompira's bright
banners fluttering --
winter moon

Issa is in Edo and perhaps visits the big Kompira Shrine at Toranomon in Edo, which put up many tall, narrow banners, or perhaps he sees banners of the god fluttering in the bright moonlight in front of a Kompira Association meeting. Both the banners and moonlight seem to embody Kompira's mantra.

Chris Drake

. Kobayashi Issa in Edo .  

Issa travelled to Western Japan most probably in memory of Matsuo Basho, who could not do this trip in his own lifetime. 


kigo for late autumn

Kotohira matsuri 金刀比羅祭 (ことひらまつり)
Kompira Festival / 金毘羅祭

October 9 to 11
The Annual Grand Festival of Kotohiragu Shrine
the 400 year old Omiyuki festival is held at Kotohiragu Shrine.
On the night of the 10th, 500 participants carry a mikoshi shrine 2 km to the otabisho where it is housed. During the route, they run down 785 steps in a single dash to the delight and amazement of the tens of thousands of visitors.
source : tourism shikoku.org

Did noodle restaurants exist 300 years ago?
The oldest historical reference to Sanuki udon is a drawing on a 300-year-old folding screen. Konpira Sairei-zu,
("Festival drawings from the shrine of Konpira, the guardian deity of seafarers") a possession of the oldest shrine Konpiragu, is mounted on a folding screen and depicts in detail the temple town of that time.

Three udon-ya restaurants are clearly depicted. At that time, udon-ya restaurants existed in large cities such as Tokyo and Osaka. That the temple town of Konpiragu had udon-ya noodle restaurants during this period reveals that Sanuki enjoyed a developed udon culture from an early period.
source : www.pref.kagawa.jp/menpaku


kigo for mid-winter

osame no Konpira 納の金毘羅 (おさめのこんぴら)
last visit to the Konpira shrine

. . . . . shimai Konpira 終金毘羅(しまいこんぴら)


kigo for the New Year

hatsu Konpira 初金昆羅 (はつこんぴら)
first visit to the Kompira shrine

..... 初金刀比羅(はつことひら)
hatsu tooka 初十日(はつとおか) first visit on the tenth

. SAIJIKI - Observances and Festivals .


egao genki kun 笑顔元気くん 金刀比羅宮 for a smiling face

. MORE - egao omamori 笑顔お守り for a smiling face .


. Oohirayama, Temple Konpira-In 大平山 金毘羅院 .
Kurayoshi, Tottori

O-Fudo Sama Gallery

- #konpira #kompira -


Memyo Bosatsu



Fudo Myo-O Gallery


Memyo Bosatsu 馬鳴菩薩(めみょうぼさつ)
Mamyoo, Meimyoo 馬明(鳴)(マミョウ・メイミョウ)菩薩
"Neighing Horse Bosatsu"
Sanskrit : Ashvagosha
Memyou Bosatsu
This deity, sometimes seen as a female incarnation, is closely related to the silk industry of Japan and China. For the connection between the horse and the silkworm, see below. His statues were often found in areas raising silkworms. Some are simple stone reliefs, some were rather elaborate. Silk farmers would conduct the annual festivals in his honour.

© PHOTO : kawamura

Memyou Bosatsu is mostly shown sitting on a horse, with six, four or two arms. He holds various things in his hands, for example scales and thread or a reel. These things are essentials for the silk production. He is also sourrounded by attendants, sometimes of Chinese form and robes.

There was also a poet in India of the name Ashvagosha (Asvaghosa) in the second century, who first opposed Buddhism but later became a devote practitioner.


At the roadside, Shiobara, Gunma prefecture

© PHOTO : mori chan


At temple Chokoku-Ji (Chookokuji) 菩提山長谷寺
This temple dates back to Gyoki Bosatsu about 1270.

© PHOTO : bear7


Other versions of this deity

"Neighing horse deity", menari myojin 馬鳴明神
"Silkworm God", kaikogami, sanjin 蚕神 , カイコガミ
"White Deity", O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま、オシラサマ
"White Buddha", O-Shira butsu オシラ仏, おしら仏

Okonai sama オコナイサマ / Okunai sama オクナイサマ

Kokage Myoojin 蚕影(こかげ)明神
Kodama sama 蚕玉様. 蚕養神
Memyoo Kannon, Memyoo Benten, Memyoo Yakushi
Komagata Myojin 駒形明神

Tobigami 飛神 "flying god"

see 棟方志功 Munakata Shiko :
source : 飛神の柵 Tobigami no saku


Oshirasama amulets in a temple, Iwate

Oshirasama amulet from Hanamaki, Iwate
o-shirasama ningyoo おしらさま人形 Oshirasama figure
It helps with eye diseases and for diseases of women. It protects children.

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 


O-Shirasama ー short for O-Shirase sama お知らせ様
Deity which makes an announcement. オシラセサマ

When the hunters of Tono could not decide where to go, they followed the path their horse would lead them - oshirase お知らせ.
Later this deity would also make an announcement before an earthquake, fire or other calamity.



Okunaisama オクナイサマ - 家の神 Deity in the Home

Statues are placed in the Tokonoma alcove of the best room.

Okunai-sama is the Kami of a household which is carved from mulberry wood with a simple face drawn on it. A piece of cloth with a hole in it is put over this to act as a piece of clothing. In one story the Okunai-sama comes into the fields as a short boy and helps to plant the rice fields before a storm comes. No one realizes the helpful boy is Okuanai-sama until they return home and find that the statue is covered in mud from the fields.
In another story the farmer's wife works in the fields when the rain starts. Coming home she finds the washing, which was hanging outside, now safely inside the entrance and the Okunai-sama has a wet robe.
People never eat meat in front of the statue.
source :morefolkbeliefs.html

. Toono monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari
Legends of Tono - Iwate - Tōno monogatari .


蚕神, Kaiko sama as stone memorial

© PHOTO : sachix

O-Kaiko Sama is especially popular in Northern Japan and the Kanto area around Tokyo. Its origin goes back to a farmer's wife in Nagano prefecture, Shimo-Ina village, who went to sell her silk cocoons and prayed to this god on her way to town. This "Silk God" became more important than many of the old "Farm Gods" and local "Earth Gods".
Especially the wifes of silkworm farms prayed to "The White God", o-shira sama (オシラ信仰).

During the year, many ceremonies in connection with rearing of silkworms were carried out in the villages, for example prayers to the "first and then last silk worm of the season". These ceremonies were mostly led by the local "female shaman" or shrine maidens. The invocative name of the deity changed from area to area.

The deity also changed to Buddhist versions like :
Mulberry Jizo, Mulberry Fudo, Mulberry Kobo and others (桑木地蔵・不動様・弘法神・十六善神) and were invoced for the welfare and good luck of the whole family, a farming community or a whole village community.

Oshirasama was often worshipped as a pair of two sticks of the mulberry tree.
CLICK for more photos

Sometimes bamboo was used for these figures. They had the form of man/woman or horse/chicken and were clad in many-layered robes called "osentaku" オセンタク. These figures (dolls) were put on the family God shelf or the family Buddhist altar and prayed to every day.
On the festival days, they were brought to the local shrine, where rituals were carried out to call the deities close by:
"O-shirasama please come" O-Shirasama asobase オシラサマアソバセ.

Other mantra were sendan kurige 「せんだん栗毛」, kinman chooja 「金万長者」, mannoo chooja 「まんのう長者」, oshira honji 「オシラの本地」.
These referred to the famous lovestory of a princess with a horse.
Festival days were the 16th day of March and September (or January and December).

CLICK for more photos
Click for more photos !


CLICK for more photos
Female Silkworm God on a Horse

The Woman Who Married a Horse
Five Ways of Looking at a Chinese Folktale

Alan L. Miller

'Origin of the Silkworm'

There is a Chinese folktale that turns up from time to time in collections of oral tales, and for which Wolfram EBERHARD (1937, 79-80) provides the following paradigm:

1. A man goes off to war, leaving his household.
2. His wife, after enduring her own feelings of loneliness, finally promises that whoever should bring back her husband will have her daughter as a wife.
3. A horse goes and fetches the husband.
4. The horse is killed because it wants to marry the daughter.
5. The hide is spread out to dry.
6. As the daughter passes by, the hide flies up, wraps itself around her, and flies up into a tree.
7. In this way silkworms are produced.

Japanese version
"Kaiko-gami to uma" 蚕神と馬
The silkworm deity and the horse

A Korean folktale, sometimes known as The Silkworm, tells how silk originated following the King's daughter spiritually marrying a horse, in completion of a promise made in times of trouble. In the tale, the princess was reborn as a silkworm, a creature whose appearance and mannerisms superficially were said to resemble that of a horse.
(From Chonsol Ttara Samch'olli, retold by Heinz Insu Fenkl)

More English Reference

CLICK for more about O-Shirasama

The Hata clan (秦氏)
was an immigrant clan active in Japan since the Kofun period, according to the epic history Nihonshoki.
..... The first leader of the Hata to arrive in Japan, Uzumasa-no-Kimi-Sukune, arrived during the reign of Emperor Chūai, in the 2nd century CE. According to the epic, he and his followers were greeted warmly, and Uzumasa was granted a high government position.
..... The Hata are said to have been adept at financial matters, and to have introduced silk raising and weaving to Japan. For this reason, they may have been associated with the kagome crest, a lattice shape found in basket-weaving. During the reign of Emperor Nintoku (313-399), the members of the clan were sent to diverse parts of the country to spread the knowledge and practice of sericulture.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Mysterious three-pillar Torii
(Mihashira Torii, 三柱鳥居)

at Konoshima Jinja 木嶋神社
(More correctly, Konoshima-ni-masu-Amateru-mitama Jinjya 木嶋坐天照御魂神社) in Kyoto, which is related to the immigrant clan Hata-uji (秦氏). Konoshima Jinja is also called as
Kaiko no yashiro (蚕ノ社) - Silkworm Shrine
and is adored by many sericulturists, because one of the internal auxiliary shrines, Kokai Jinja (蚕養神社), which was established by Hata-uji, enshrines the deities of silk raising.
Hata-uji was known to be adept at silk raising and introduced it to Japan.

Three-pillar Torii is a rare case as a shinto Shrine's Torii.
A few shrines have it, but most of them are very new and just copied Konoshima's one. I think only one shrine having the three-pillar Torii, Wadatsumi Jinja (和多都美神社) in Tsushima Island, is ancestrally related to Konoshima Shrine.
1) Enshrined deites are same or related:
Konoshima: 天御中主命 - 大国魂神 - 穂々出見命 - 鵜茅葺不合命
Wadatsumi: 彦火火出見尊 ( 穂々出見命, Father of 鵜茅葺不合命) - 豊玉姫命 (Mother of 鵜茅葺不合命)
2) Both Shrine's three-pillar Torii are immersed into water (pond at Konoshima and sea at the front of Wadatsumi).
3) There is a piles of stones at the center of three-pillar Torii at both shrines.

- Shared by Taisaku Nogi -
Joys of Japan, 2012


Kokai Jinja 蚕養神社 in Ibaraki, Hitachi town

Deities in residence are

Wakumusubi 稚産霊命 ワクムスビ(ワクムスヒ) 和久産巣日神
Ukemochi no kami 宇気母智命 - 保食神(うけもちのかみ)
Ookuninushi no mikoto 事代主命 Okuninushi

Her eyebrows even became silkworms:
. Ukemochi no Mikoto 保食命 Deity of Food .

As part of Kojiki's account of Izanagi and Izanami's procreation of the kami (kamiumi), Wakumusuhi was, together with Mitsuhanome, one of two kami produced from the urine of Izanami after she was burned while giving birth to the fire kami Kagutsuchi. In turn, one of the offspring of Wakumusuhi was the kami of fertility and foodstuffs, Toyoukehime.

According to an "alternate writing" transmitted by Nihongi, Wakumusuhi was the product of a union between Kagutsuchi and the earth kami Haniyamabime, another offspring of Izanami (see also Haniyasu no kami). The account goes on to state that the silkworm and mulberry were produced on the child's head, while the five grains were produced in her navel.

source : Yumiyama Tatsuya - Kokugakuin 2005

. The Hata Clan 秦氏 Hata Uji .
and the Korean and Christian connection


Japanese Kami in Folk Religion

A tutelary of the home (ie no kami) found throughout Japan's northeastern region; also referred to as Oshirabotoke ("the Oshira Buddha"). Although Oshirasama is commonly viewed as a tutelary of agriculture and silkworm production, little agreement has been reached regarding the etymology of the name Oshira and the kami's specific characteristics.

The object of Oshirasama worship generally consists of a pair of sticks of mulberry (ocassionally bamboo) about 30 cm long, with male and female faces (or a horse's head) carved or painted in ink on one end. The images are clothed in layers of cloth called osendaku which are added to each year. Many old families enshrine Oshirasama on a kamidana or in the alcove of a main room, and they are also used as ritual implements by religious practitioners such as itako. Devotees of Oshirasama may be composed of individual homes, lineage groups (dōzokudan), geographically linked community groups, and confraternities (kō), but all are characterized by the fact that women play the central roles in the cult.

Called meinichi, the festival day to Oshirasama falls on the sixteenth day of the first, third and ninth months according to the lunar calender. On meinichi, the Oshirasama is removed from its kamidana, offerings (shinsen) are presented, and a new layer of osendaku is added. On the meinichi of the third and ninth months, one of the folk female shamans called itako is called to the home. The itako faces the Oshirasama enshrined on an altar, and reads a mantra meant to invoke the presence of the kami. Next, the itako holds one Oshirasama in each hand and while intoning the Oshira mantra, moves the dolls as though they were dancing, a rite called oshira asobase. Finally, the itako performs divinations for the village or individual households.

The Oshirasama cult involves taboos, as it is said that Oshirasama disdains eggs and chickens, as well as the meat of two- and four-legged animals. Breaking one of the taboos may result in a twisted mouth or major illness. In addition, should one fail to worship Oshirasama properly, the Oshirasama may visit the family with a curse, or fly away and mysteriously disappear.
source : Iwai Hiroshi / Kokugakuin University


Japanese Reference

CLICK for Daruma Dolls made from Silk Cocoons !


kamidana no hi wa okotaraji kaiko-doki

Even in silk-worm time
They do not neglect
The light of the household shrine.

Yosa Buson
Tr. Blyth

. . . . . Silk and Kigo for Haiku


Memyoo (Asvaghosa)
Besonders beliebt in China.
Als dieser Bosatsu geboren wurde, erhoben viele Pferde in Ehrfurcht ihre Stimme, daher der Name "Bosatsu der wiehernden Pferde".
Asvaghosa soll ein bekannter Schriftsteller und Musiker zur Zeit des Königs Kaniska im 2. Jhd. in Indien gewesen sein. Zunächst kritisierte er den Buddhismus, wurde aber schließlich bekehrt und selbst zum Bosatsu. Seine Melodien sollen viele zu Tränen gerührt haben. Einmal hörten 500 Königskinder seine Musik und beschlossen daraufhin, Mönche zu werden.

Schutzgottheit der Dichter und Künstler sowie der Seidenraupen~zucht. In Japan besteht eine enge Beziehung zwischen der Seidenraupenzucht und Pferden. Im Anfang der Sage steht der Hochzeitswunsch eines Pferdes mit der Tochter eines Bergbauern. Der Vater tötete das Pferd und die Haut wickelte sich um die Tochter, stieg gen Himmel und es regnete Seidenraupen daraus. Damit begann die Seidenraupenzucht.

Bosatsufigur mit weißen Gewändern auf einem weißen Pferd. Sitzt auf einem weißen Lotussockel. Das linke Bein hängt nach unten.
Krone aus Blumen.
Sechs oder acht Arme. Mit Faden, Spinnrad, Rohr oder Waage in den Händen, also Gegenständen der Seidenverarbeitung.

.Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who   

Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie
von japanischen Buddhastatuen

Gabi Greve, 1994


Japanese Horse-related Deities
Bato Kannon, White Shinto Horse and others

Hansho-In (Hanshoo-in 繁昌院) and Memyo Bosatsu

. silk 絹 kinu and related legends .

オシラ様 04
オシラサマ 50
- source : nichibun yokai database -


