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. - Book Titles - updated LIST - .
- April 2013 -

Headlines about Asian Art


............................. AAA

aikoku fujinkai 愛国婦人会 women's patriotic association

akitsukami 明神 Manifest Deity

ama no hitsugi 天日嗣 Throne of Heavenly Sun Succession
ama no takamikura 天高御座 High Throne of Heaven

arahitokami 現人神 living god

ashitsuki-bachi 足付鉢 (あしつきばち) bowl with legs

asobibe, asobi be  遊び部  play functionaries
asobime 遊び女 / 遊女  "play girl" prostitute (sex was called: omatsuri)

............................. BBB

bakuhan taisei 幕藩体制 Bakuhan system (of government)

barasutaa バラスター baluster. balustrade

Beibei kyoodan 皿皿郷談(べいべいきょうだん) A Rustic Tale of Two Heirs
(bei-bei kyodan)

bonchigara, bonchi gara ぼんちがら patterns for boys

Bukkyoo bunka jiten 仏教文化辞典 Encyclopedia of Buddhist Culture, 1989
bu-un chookyuu 武運長久(ぶうんちょうきゅう)continued good luck in the fortunes of war

............................. CCC

chabo ちゃぼ【矮鶏】 Chinese bantam, chicken

chaki ちゃき【茶器】 container for tea ceremony utensils, tea set

champion vase / He Jingbei ... two cylinders joined together, a nuptial cup

chin ちん【狆】Chinese spaniel dog

choku ちょく【勅】imperial edict

chooge 頂華 finial, フィニアル, kirizuma 切妻

............................. DDD

dannaji, danna ji 旦那寺 funerary temple

donsu どんす【緞子】damask, satin damask
..... kinran donsu 金襴緞子gold brocade

............................. EEE

eaglewood, agarwood, agilawood - used for ritual implements in ancient China

Edo hanjooki 江戸繁盛記 A record of Edo's prosperity

ekoo 回向/廻向 performing ceremonies for the dead

Engishiki, engi-shiki えんぎしき【延喜式】 Procedures of the Engi era (927)

Enshuugonomi, Enshuu konomi 遠州好み "taste of Enshu" (see Kobori Enshu)

............................. FFF

fubako ふばこ【文箱/文筥】 letter dispatch box

fudaraku tokai 補陀落渡海(ふだらくとかい)crossing the sea to reach the paradise of Kannon

fukizumi ふきづみ / 吹墨(ふきずみ) decoration. blowing pigments through a pipe

furegashira 触頭 administrative network head

furyuu 風流 showy spectacles
..... fuuryuu 風流 elegant, acomplished

futatsu hikiryoo no horo 幌 double-striped protective hood

fuuzoku gahoo 風俗が画報 Pictorial Journal reflecting Manners and Customs

............................. GGG

gakureki shakai 学歴社会 credential society, pedigree society

ginbari jippoo (ginbari shippoo) 銀貼七宝 cloisonee with silver foil

gokoku shisoo 護国思想 divine protection of the state (in Buddhism)
... Konkōmyōkyō 金光明経
... Ninnōkyō 仁王経
... Hokkekyō 法華経

gunshin 群臣 officials at the court of Yamato

gusoku 具足 suit of armour of a samurai
..... kogusoku 小具足 smapp pieces of armour equipment (like facemask, forearm sleaves, thigh guards, shin guards, bear-fur boots

gyomotsu, gyobutsu ぎょもつ【御物, ぎょぶつ】 artwork commissioned by rulers. kaiserlicher Besitz

gyooyoo 杏葉 leaf-shaped plate of armour

............................. HHH

haboku はぼく【破墨】 "splashed ink style" for paintings

haitoo はいとう【廃刀】 editc to abolish the carrying of swords in 1876

hakubasami, haku-basami 箔挟(はくばさみ)pincette for holding metal sheets and leaves

han-eri, han eri はんえり【半襟】 decorative collar of an under-kimono

hanshita-e han shite-e 版下絵 last drawing (for a woodcut)

haragake はらがけ【腹掛け】 apron, bib for a child

harimaze はりまぜ【張り交ぜ/貼り雑ぜ】mixing of material for a folding screen or painting

haura, ha ura はうら【羽裏】 lining of a haori coat

heishi 瓶子 (へいし) ritual sake bottle

heishin kikoo 丙辰紀行 Account of a journey in the year Heishin (1671)

Higashiyama seionchoo 東山清音帖 Clear Sound in East Mountain

hinagatabon, hinagata bon 雛型本 books with small pattern designs

hirazoogan ひらぞうがん【平象眼】 flat inlay

hitotsumi, hitotsu mi ひとつみ【一つ身】 kimono for a baby

honmatsu seido 本末制度 head-branch system (of government)

hyakunin isshuu uba ga etoki 百人一首 うばが絵解(ひゃくにんいっしゅ) 乳母か絵とき The Hundred Poems explained by the Nurse

............................. III

ichigami 市神 deity of the market

ichiji shita-e 一時下絵 initial preparatory sketches

ishime いしめ【石目】 texture for engraving work

ishizara, ishi-zara 石皿 stone-glazed plates, from Seto

............................. JJJ

jinbako じんばこ【沈箱】 box for storing incense wood

jinku okuri 神供送り sending off divine offerings
(they are thrown in a hole, burned with torches and burried properly)

jinsei 仁政 benevolent rule

jizai okimono 自在置物 realistically shaped figures of animals, plants etc.

joomoku 条目 regulations

juuzenkai 十善戒 ten good precepts (for Buddhists)
... daruma isshinkai 達磨一心戒 / 一心戒文 from Tendai

............................. KKKK

kachikachi yama かちかちやま【かちかち山】 "fire-crackle mountain", children's story

Kaifuusoo 懐風藻 Kaifuso. Nostalgic Recollections of Literature. Heian Period

kaika ninjoo kagami 開花人情鏡 "A mirror of Human Nature in an Age of Enlightenment"
- Toyohara Kunichika 豊原国周

kaikoku zakki 廻国雑記 Miscellania of travelling about the country. 1487

kakihan かきはん【書(き)判】written seal (for authentification)

kakusa shakai 格差社会 gap society

kami asobi 神遊び divine play. Deities come together to enjoy and feast.

katakiribori かたきりぼり【片切り彫り】 sice-cut engraving

katsurame 桂女 female fishmonger (often prostitute)

kawari-nuri 変塗(かわりぬり)alternative laquering

katakiribori, katakiri-bori かたきりぼり【片切り彫(り)】 side-cut engraving

kebiki odoshi 毛引縅 way oflacing the plates of a cuirass

keka 悔過 ritual of repentance (Buddhism)

kenbyoo けんびょう【硯屏】 screen in front of an inkstone

kendai 見台 reading stand with drawer
... shokendai 書見台(しょけんだい)

keshiboozu, keshi boozu けしぼうず【芥子坊主】 "poppy" shaven head of a priest (or child)

kinji nishiki 金地錦 "golden ground" brocade

kinkeshi 金銷(きんけし)mercury/gold amalgam gilding technique

kinkoo きんこう【金工】 metal work master craftsman

kirikane きりかね【切(り)金/截り金】 cut-gold for decorations

kitooji, kitoo ji 祈祷寺 prayer temple
..... kitoo danna 祈祷旦那 prayer patron

koboku こぼく【古墨】 "Chinese old ink stick"

Koda Shuetsu 迎田秋悦(こうだしゅうえつ Kooda Shuuetsu)(1881 - 1933) artist in laquer ware

koegame, koe-game 肥甕(こえがめ) night soil pot

kohitsu こひつ【古筆】 "painting or calligraphy by the ancients"

kondoo 金堂 "Golden Hall", main hall of a temple complex

kongoosha こんごうしゃ【金剛砂】 garnet stone

konrei choodo 婚礼調度 wedding set, trousseau
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

koodoo 講堂 lecture hall of a temple complex

koshiore ningyoo 腰折れ人形 articulated doll "bending hips"

kugutsu 傀儡 puppeteer-prayer nun (often prostitute)

kusazuri 草摺 tassets (on a suit of armour), a kind of skirt

kyokujitsu ki きょくじつき【旭日旗】 "Rising Sun" flag, for the armed forces.

kyoozoo きょうぞう【胸像】bust (kyozo)
kyoozoo きょうぞう【鏡像】statue reflected in a mirror

............................. MMM

maedate 前立て crest of a helmet, figurehead

makie mei, maki-e mei 蒔絵銘 (まきえめい) signature in maki-e (gold/silver raises laquer work)

me no shita men 目の下面 mask below the eyes (of a coat of armour)

metsubushi めつぶし【目潰し】 pepper blower for blinding a person (used by ninja)

midooshuu 御堂衆(みどうしゅう) "chaplains" of Honganji

migakibake みがき【磨き/研き】 + hake はけ【刷毛】 horsehair brush

mise 見世 business station (shop, store, stall)
..... kakemise 掛店 ”suspended store"
..... nakamise 仲見世 "inner store" at Asakusa

mitsu-ore ningyoo 三つ折れ人形 doll divided into three parts

miyabori shi 宮彫師(みやぼりし)carver for shrines and temples

mokoshi 裳階/裳層 extra decorated roofs of a temple hall

munaita, muna-ita 胸板 breast plate (of armour)
..... oshitsuke no ita 押付の板

............................. NNN

nashiji 梨子地(なしじ) pear-skin background
... muranashiji 斑 spotted
... koinashiji 濃い thick ...

nenjuu gyooji 年中行事 annual schedule of religious events, Jahreszeitenfeste

nerikawa ねりかわ【練革】hardened leather

Nezu Kaichiroo 根津嘉一郎(ねずかいちろう)(1860 - 1940) art collector, Nezu Bijutsukan Museum. Nezu Institute of Fine Arts

Nihon Fuukei Ron 日本風景論 Discussion of Japan's Landscape (1894)

Nihon Hanga Kyookai 日本版画協会 Japan Print Association

Nihon minzoku zufu 日本民族図譜 "Native Customs of Japan"

Ni-I no Ama 二位尼  "nun of the second rank", widow of Kiyomori。平時子

nijiteki shizen 二次的自然 secondary nature (on paintings, in poetry etc)

nimaidoo 二枚胴 two-piece cuirass

nyobon 女犯 "sexual indulgence" of monks

............................. OOO

Oguri gaiden 小栗外伝(おぐりがいでん)The Legend of Lord Oguri

oie soodoo, o-ie soodoo お家騒動 household disturbance

okime おきめ【置目】 copying a pattern from a paper on a piece for laquering

okina mai 翁舞 (おきなまい) "old man dancing" at Kagura or as a statue

Onyooryoo 陰陽寮 Yin-Yang Bureau, Bureau of Onmyoo

otogizooshi, otogi zooshi 御伽草子 popular tales

............................. RRR

raimon らいもん【雷文】 fret, frets, Mäanderband

rikkokushi 六国史 lit. "History of six countries"

robin's egg blue, robin egg blue 薄緑がかった青色, eggshell blue, in the color of the American Robin. Used as a glazing for ceramics.

roiro, ro-iro ろいろ【蝋色/呂色】 / rooiro ろういろ black laquer background

rokudoo bakku 六道ばっく escape from the suffering of the six realms

Rose Hempel (1920 - 2009)

ryoo no shuuge 令集解 compiled by Koremune no Naomoto
ryoo no gige 令義解

ryuuka suigin りゅうかすいぎん【硫化水銀】mercury sulphide (Niutsuhime is the goddess of mercury)

............................. SSS

saikumono, saiku mono さいくもの【細工物】hand-carved miniature netsuke

sane 実/核 leather plate of a cuirass
..... ita-sane 板さね metal plates of a cuirass

sankei mandara 参詣曼荼羅 (さんけいまんだら) "pilgrimage mandala"

sannai 山内 inner precinct of a temple

sashimono shi 指物師(さしものし)hair ornament maker

seigaiha mon 青海波文(せいがいはもん)overlapping waves pattern

sei-i taishoogun 征夷大将軍 "barbarian-quelling great general" (Title of Minamoto no Yoritomo)

senpuku rinsoo 千輻輪相 Dharma wheel on the sole of the Buddha

............................. SH SH SH

Shiba Kōkan, Shiba Kokan, Shiba Kookan (司馬江漢)(1747-1818), also Suzuki Harushige (鈴木春重)

shibuichi, shibu-ichi しぶいち【四分一】 , alloy (70% copper, 30% silver), used for laquer ware decorations

shichidaiji junrei shiki 七大寺巡礼私記 "Record of the Seven Temple Pilgrimage", by Ooe Chikamichi 大江親通

shifuku しふくindividual bags (made of cloth)

shiinari 椎様/椎形/椎像 acorn shaped

shika mandara 鹿曼荼羅 deer mandala, shika mandala

shinchuu しんちゅう【真鍮】 brass, brasswork

shingi Shingon shuu しんぎしんごんしゅう【新義真言宗】 "school of the new shingon dogma"

shinkeizu しんけいず (神経図) true view picture, "diagram of the true form" (Daoist)

shioo しおう【雌黄】 orpiment / like sekioo 石黄(せきおう)

shippoomon しっぽうもん【七宝文】 overlapping circles

shiraniku ningyoo 白肉人形 doll with a white skin (white flesh)

shirochoo gai 白蝶貝(しろちょうがい)pearl oyster shells

shishiaibori ししあいぼり【肉合い彫り】 metal engraving technique

shokkoo nishiki 蜀江錦(しょっこうにしき)brocade with octagon patterns

Shooami Katsuyoshi 正阿弥勝義【しょうあみかつよし】Shoami Katsuyoshi (1832 - 1908) metal craftsman

Shooshoo hakkei 瀟湘八景 "Eight views of the Xiao and Xiang Rivers"

shozan engi 諸山縁起(しょざんえんぎ)Origins of various Mountains, 1180

shusei しゅせい anthology

shuugimono, shuugi mono 祝儀物 auspicious narratives in Noh

shuushoo 修正(しゅうしょう)会 shuusei - New Year ritual for Nation Protecting

. . . SO

sooshiki bukkyoo 葬式仏教 funerary Buddhism

sorabikibata そらびき機 draw loom

soshuu jiin hatto 諸宗寺院法度 edict relating to temples and monks of all sects

. . . SU

sumerogi (sumeroki) 天皇 すめろぎ【天皇】aonther name for Tenno

Sunpu onbunbutsu no uchi iroiro godoogu choo 駿府 List of various objects in the collection of cultural relics at Sunpu (Tokugawa)

............................. TTT

takabori たかぼり【高彫り】 engraving technique, so that the motive "stands out high"

takazoogan たかぞうがん【高象眼】 high-relief inlay

takumi たくみ【巧み/工/匠】 skillfull master (of a craft)

tatoogami たとうがみ【畳紙】 decorative wrapping paper

tenka taihei 天下太平 a sign of peace in the land (of Yamato). “Great Peace Under Heaven”

terakotta テラコッタ製 tera-cotta

terauke, tera uke 寺受け temple regisrty

tokuwaka ni go-manzai 徳若(とくわか)に御万歳(ごまんざい) "Be always young and enjoy longevity"

tooroo no ono 蟷螂(とうろう)の斧 "ax of a praying mantis"

tsurezure ori つれづれ織り tapsetry-weave, kesi

tsurumarumon, tsuru maru mon 鶴丸紋(つるまるもん) round crest with a crane

tsuyu uchi yuto ? 湯桶 / 湯とう spike tea pot style

............................. UUU

uchidashi 打ち出し hammer-reveal technique for metalwork

uma no me zara, umanome, uma-no-me 馬の目 "horse eye" patterns on Seto plates and pots
. . . CLICK here for Photos  !

unkoku ha うんこくは【雲谷派】Unkoku school of painting, Momoyama period
. . . . . Unkoku Toogan 雲谷等顔 (1547 - 1618)

Unno Shoomin / Un-No Shomin 海野 勝珉 ( うんの しょうみん ) 1844 - 1915 metal craftsman

urushigaki mei 漆書銘 (うるしがきめい) signiture in black or vermillion laquer

............................. WWW

waki-ita 脇板 armour plate at the side of a court of armes

wayoobi 和様美 Japanese aesthetics

............................. YYY

yakiagari, yaki-agari 焼き上がり ceramic surface

Yakumo Misho八雲御抄 The Sovereign's Eightfold Cloud Treatiese

yakuryoo 役料 "expenses for public duty"

yamato neko 倭根子 (やまとねこ) praizing word for the tenno. "Das Liebe Kind von Yamato"

yaso 八十 - 80, meaning "a lot"

yukiwa moyoo 雪輪模様 "snowflake ring" pattern, with six or eight rings
..... yukimochizasa 雪持笹 ... snow on sasagrass
..... yukimochiyanagi 雪持柳 ... snow on willow brances

yuukasai 釉下彩(ゆうかさい) decorations with red or yellow pigment and transparent glaze

yuuzen ゆうぜん【友禅】 printed silk

............................. ZZZ

zakuro guchi, zakuroguchi 柘榴口(ざくろぐち) entrance to a public bath

zasu ざす【座主】 chief priest of a large temple

zoogan ぞうがん【象眼/象嵌】 inlay (in metal work or laquer or others)

zuanchoo, zuan choo 図案帳 pattern design books (for kimono etc.)
zuanshuu, zuan shuu 図案集 pattern design collections


more online dictionaries

EU dict for European languages

kanji jiten

smart kanji net

yahoo search

Classical Text Kanji

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

Konjaku Mojikyo - for all kinds of kanji

University of Virginia - classical text search

check them all out HERE


An American academic is creating a searchable database of 12 million historic copyright-free images.
Kalev Leetaru has already uploaded 2.6 million pictures to Flickr, which are searchable thanks to tags that have been automatically added.
the Internet Archive organisation.
Not only about Japan, but search for "Japan"
- source : www.flickr.com/photos


. Personal Names - to be explored .

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

O-Fudo Sama Gallery




Buddha Statues Kyoto


. Daruma Museum - Japan .


- quote -
Kyoto museum solves mystery
of who carved ancient statues

KYOTO--The Kyoto National Museum made a startling discovery during routine preparations for an upcoming special exhibition here.

A staff member noticed the name of a renowned but little-known sculptor scrawled faintly on two of three Buddhist statues that will be displayed.

Venerated for centuries at Monmyoji temple, the statues turn out to have been carved by a disciple of Kaikei, who lived in the Kamakura Period (1192-1333).

The museum said Dec. 17 that the wooden Amida Sanzonzo statues at the temple in Sakyo Ward are definitely works by Gyokai, an artisan of whom little is recorded.

As only seven works by Gyokai had been known to exist, the museum called its discovery “important for studying Gyokai, a figure shrouded in mystery.”

In preparation for its special exhibition “Art of the Ji Shu,” the museum removed the statues from a sacred “zushi” cabinet at the temple belonging to the Ji Shu sect to be photographed.

It was then that staff noticed that the word “Gyokai” was written in ink on the bases of two statues.

The 83-centimeter-tall Amida Ryuzo is flanked by the 59-cm Kannon Bosatsu Ryuzo and 58.2-cm Seishi Bosatsu Ryuzo. As a set, the statues are known as Amida Sanzonzo.

Takeshi Asanuma, head of the Cooperation and Education Department in the museum’s Curatorial Division, examined the statues and said the signature was handwritten by Gyokai.

He also said though Gyokai’s signature has not been found on Amida Ryuzo, the statue is likely Gyokai’s work as well, because it matches characteristics associated with the master carver.

Noting that the statues look vigorous and clean-cut, Asanuma estimated that Amida Sanzonzo dates back to the late 1230s and 1240s, when Gyokai was head of a sculptor's studio.

The Amida Sanzonzo will be displayed from April 13 through June 9. The exhibition is co-sponsored by The Asahi Shimbun and other parties.

For details, contact the Kyoto National Museum at 075-525-2473.

source : asahi.com/ajw .. 2019


O-Fudo Sama Gallery

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan



Nenga 2017




- Sutras BACKUP

Backup September 2014

original is HERE

. Fudo and related Sutras 不動とお経 .


Fudo and related Sutras 不動とお経


Bussetsu Sho Fudo Kyo
(bussestu shoo fudoo kyoo)

仏説聖不動経 (ぶっせつしょうふどうきょう)


爾時大会       有一明王
にじだいえ       ういつみょうおう
この時、大会に    一人の明王あり

是大明王       有大威力
ぜだいみょうおう   うだいいりき
この大明王は    大威力あり

大悲徳故      現青黒形
だいひとくこ     げんしょうこくぎょう
大悲の徳の故に   青黒の形を現じ

大定徳故      座金剛石
だいじょうとくこ   ざこんこうせき
大定の徳の故に   金剛石に座り

大智慧故      現大火炎
だいちえこ     げんだいかえん
大いなる智慧の故に  大火焔を現わしたまう

執大智剣      害貪瞋癡
しゅだいちけん   がいとんじんち
大智の剣を執って   貧瞋癡を害し

持三昧索      縛難伏者
じさんまいさく    ばくなんぶくしゃ
三昧の索を持して   難伏の者を縛す

無相法身      虚空同体
むそうほっしん   こくうどうたい
無相の法身は    虚空と同体なれば

無其住所      但住衆生
むごじゅうしょ    たんじゅうしゅじょう
その住処なく        ただ衆生の

心想之中     衆生意想
しんそうしちゅう  しゅじょういそう
心想の中に住したもう   衆生の意想は

各各不同     随衆生意
かくかくふどう   ずいしゅしょうい
それぞれ不同なれば   衆生の心に従って

而作利益     所求円満
にさりやく      しょきゅうえんまん
しかも利益をなし    所求円満せしめたまう

爾時大会     聞説是経
にじだいえ     もんせつぜきょう
その時 大会は   この経を説きたまうを聞き

皆大歓喜     信受奉行
かいだいかんき しんじゅぶぎょう 皆、
大いに歓喜して   信受し奉行せり

仏説聖不動経  ぶっせつしょうふどうきょう

© www.sakai.zaq.ne.jp



Bussetsu Shou Fudou Kyou
An apocryphal text used in Tendai Shugendo

At that time in the Great Assembly, there was one Vidyaraja.
This Great Vidyaraja possesses great majestic strength.
He has the virtue of great compassion, thus he appears in a bluish-black body.
He has the virtue of great meditative stillness, thus he sits on a vajra-rock.
He has great wisdom, thus he manifests great flames.
He grips the sword of great wisdom to destroy greed, anger, and ignorance.
He holds the rope of samadhi to bind those who are difficult to tame.

He is the markless Dharmakaya, identical with all-encompassing space itself, thus he has no dwelling.
His only dwelling is in the minds and thoughts of living beings.
The minds and inclinations of all beings are different.
In accordance with the minds of living beings, benefit is given and what is sought for is attained. At that time, all in that great assembly heard this teaching and were filled with joy.

Faithfully receiving it, they reverently put it into practice.
Source: Tendai@yahoogroups: 12/8/2000

Fudo and Aizen Kankenki 不動感見記


compilation by Frederic Lecut
source : ja.scribd.com/doc

The Holy Fudo Sutra

as painted by Yamaoka Tesshu

Once during an assembly of the Buddha's followers, Fudo appeared.
This Fudo was tremendously powerful :
Great compassion was evident in his pale dark complexion,
Great stability was obvious as he assumed the Diamond Seat,
And great wisdom was manifest in the flames surrounding him.

Brandishing a sword of insight he cut through the three poisons of greed, anger and delusion;
His samadhi-rope bound the enemies of Buddhism.
Formless like the empty space of the Dharma body,
Fudo settles nowhere but lives in the hearts of sentient beings.
Devoted servant of all, he encourages the well-being and ultimate salvation of sentient beings.
When the entire assembly heard this teaching they joyously believed and received it.

sono toki daie ni hitori no myou-ou imasu. kono dai myou-ou wa dai-iriki ari. daihi no toku no yueni shoukoku no katachi wo genji, daijou no toku no yue ni kongouseki ni zashi, dai-chie no yue nidai-kaen wo genjitamau. daichi no ken wo totte wa ton-jin-chi wo gaishi, sanmai no saku wo jishite nanbuku no mono wo bakushi, musou no hosshin, kokuu doutai nareba, sono juusho monashi. tada shujou shinsou no naka ni juushitamau. shujou no isou kakkaku fudou nareba, shujouno kokoro ni shitagaite riyaku wo nashi, shogu enman su. sono toki ni daie, kono kyou wotokitamau wo kikite, mina ooini kangi shite, shinju shi bugyou shiki.


Shoo Mudoo son Dai Inu Oo Himitsu Darani Kyoo
(しょうむどうそん だいいぬおう ひみつだらにきょう)

Keisho Shoo Mudooson Himitsu Daranikyoo 稽首聖無動尊祕密陀羅尼経
(けいしゅ しょうむどうそん ひみつだらにきょう)

底哩三昧耶経 Chiri Sanmaya Kyoo / Trisamaya-acala-kalpa

底哩三昧耶不動尊法 Chiri Sanmaya Fudooson boo/hoo



不動尊劔の文 / 不動尊劔功徳の文












- reference : blog.livedoor.jp/namikirihudou



- reference -


from temple 倶利伽羅不動寺 Kurikara Fudo-Ji
Ri-2 Kurikara, Tsubata, Kahoku District, Ishikawa Prefecture

北陸不動霊場 第24番 札所 Nr. 24 on the Hokuriku Fudo Pilgrimage

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kurikara.or.jp

Sutras and chants related to Fudo Myo-O

- source : raifuku.jugem.jp


O-Fudo Sama Gallery

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Exhibition Hyogo


. Daruma Museum - Japan .


"Art and Literature in Japan 1926-1936″
Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art
Nov. 2 (Sat.) − Dec. 29 (Sun.)

The first decade of the Showa period starting in 1926 was a culturally productive time when several important artistic trends were born. This exhibition is centered around painting and literature in this period, displaying works that represent such movements as proletarian art, modernism and renaissance in order to introduce the energetic spirit, atmosphere and charms of “Showa modernism.”

source : www.artm.pref.hyogo.jp

- - - - - featuring works of

Gosei Abe 阿部合成

Seiji Hotta 堀田清治

Tatsuzo Ishikawa  石川達三

Takiji Kobayashi 小林多喜二

Harue Koga 古賀春江

Tomoyoshi Murayama 村山知義 and the group MAVO

Ichiyu Nagata

Toki Okamoto

Rintaro Takeda 武田麟太郎

Teishi Terashima

Ryuzaburo Umehara 梅原龍三郎

Masamu Yanase 柳瀬正夢

Sotaro Yasui 安井曾太郎


Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .



Jizo in Kyoto


Fudo Myo-O Gallery


Jizo Statues in Kyoto

There are many famous Jizo statues in Kyoto,
Here I will introduce just a few of them.

The main introduction to this deity:

. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .


Yata Jizo Son 矢田地蔵尊
Temple Yatadera 矢田寺 Yataji, Yata-Ji

This statue is about 2 meters high and huge flames are standing before Jizo.
The statue was made by Saint Mankei 満慶(まんけい)
Manmai (満米(まんまい))上人
who had a vision of Jizo during his meditations.

The people also call it
Saijuku Jizo 代受苦地蔵 Jizo who takes on our sufferings and hardships.
The worship of this Jizo helps blind people find their way around and out of hell, hence the huge flames in front of the statue. Jizo looks almost like a Fudo Myo-O.
I could not find a photo of this Jizo yet.

CLICK for more photos !

According to histories passed down within the temple itself, the temple was founded at Gojô-bômon in the early Heian period as a branch temple of the Yatadera still standing and active in Yamato province (Nara). Temple lands changed, and in 1579 the temple was moved to its current location.

The statue of the bodhisattva Jizô enshrined in the main hall as the chief object of worship is a two-meter tall standing figure, and is said to have been carved from the dark earth of the underworld by Mankei (aka Manmai), the founder of the temple, who met the true Jizô there, and copied his likeness or form. Worshippers gather to pray to this statue as the Jizô who saves those who have died and are in hell.

The temple's bell, in contrast to the "Welcoming Bell 迎え鐘" of the temple Rokudô-chin-ô-ji 六道珍皇寺, is called the "Sending Bell 送り鐘," and is rung to help send the spirits of the departed to the afterlife without them getting lost on the path.
source : wiki.samurai-archives.com

source : paul_cotie

Small cuddely Jizo dolls (nuigurumi ぬいぐるみ) as amulets.

CLICK for more photos !


kunuki Jizo, ku nuki Jizo くぬき地蔵 - 苦抜地蔵
Jizo to take away your hardships

this is a pun with
kuginuki, kugi nuki 釘抜(くぎぬき)地蔵 
Jizo to pull out nails, kugi nuki

at Shakuzooji 石像寺 temple Shakujo-Ji, Nishijin

Many people offer votive tablets with a nail and nail puller.
There are maybe more than 1000 in the precincts now.

In the Muromachi period there was a merchant who suffered from severe pain in his hands and made a vow to come to this Jizo for 7 days and pray that his pain KU might be taken away NUKI.
In the night of the 7th day, Jizo appeared in his dream and told him:

"In one of your former lives you have been cursing people by sticking nails into a straw doll, hammering them into a tree at midnight.
Now you have to feel the pain of these hails in your own hands."
And Jizo showed the man two large nails.

When the man woke up, his pain was gone. He hurried to the temple and saw the two bloody nails in front of the statue of Jizo.
Greatful for the help, the man made another vow of 100 visits to the temple (o-rei mairi お礼参り) .

Since then, the Jizo got his name and people come with prayers to get rid of all kinds of KU, pains and hardships in their body and mind.

source : kyoto.wakasa.jp

There are other statues with this name in Japan.

Kunuki Jizo in Kawageo, Kita-In 川越大師 喜多院
source : www.kawagoe.com/kitain


meyami Jizoo めやみ地蔵 Jizo to heal eye diseases 

Chuugenji 仲源寺 temple Chugen-Ji

"Ameyami Jizo"
雨やみ地蔵 - Jizo to stop the rain and flooding
(guardian deity of Rain Stopping) turned to "Meyami Jizo" (a guardian deity of the eye disease), after a couple prayed for healing to the "Rain Stopping Jizo" and the wife got healed.

This temple belongs to the Jodo sect of Buddhism.
It is also known as the Meyami Jizo.

In 1022, the buddhist monk-sculptor Jocho worshipped a guardian deity in the northeast of the "Shijobashi Bridge" and this is the beginning of this temple.

When "Kamogawa-river" was flooded in 1228 Nakahara Tamekane was able to hold back a flood thanks to the guardian deity.
Nakahara Tamekane who had deeply expressed gratitude enshrined the guardian deity here.
And the guardian deity was called as Ameyami Jizo(guardian deity of Rain Stopping).

Later, the word “Ameyami Jizo” turned to “Meyami Jizo"(a guardian deity of the eye disease).
Today, “Meyami Jizo" is believed in as a guardian deity of the eye disease recovery.
source : www.kyotokanko.co.jp

. Jizo to heal eye diseases .


nurikobe Jizo ぬりこべじぞう "rub your pain on Jizo's head" 

The statue in the small hall is only 1 meter high.

There are two theories about its naming.
One claims he was once located in a temple hall and when repairwork was done, a bit of the wall plaster (nuri) fell on its head. 塗り込め

The other theory claims that it is a pun with
to keep illness inside (the statue of Jizo) 病気を封じ込める.

Since the Edo period it is expecially useful for toothache.
Near Fushimi Inari Shrine 伏見稲荷大社

source : kyoto.wakasa.jp


sentai Jizo  千体地蔵 1000 Jizo Statues
at Hoo-onji 報恩寺 temple Hoon-Ji

zushi iri sentai Jizo 厨子(ずし)入(いり)千体地蔵尊
in a little shrine
(重要文化財 - Important Cultural Property)

source : www.kyoto-np.co.jp

This statue is very small and was ment to be carried while traveling, hence the small shrine to protect it.
Around the center statue there are almost 1000 little one's, at the sides, at the back and all around.
The main statue is 3,3 cm.
This statue is only shown very seldom. It had been given to the temple by emperor
後柏原天皇 GoKashiwabara Tenno in 1501.

I saw this little marvel on TV in January 2013,
it is very impressive in its concentrated power.

There are other statues with this name in Japan.


***** . Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 

O-Fudo Sama Gallery

Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

. Kyoto  京都 Hana no Miyako .

- #jizoinkyoto #jizobosatsu -


Biwa lute


Daruma Pilgrims Gallery


Biwa 琵琶 lute

The biwa (琵琶)
is a Japanese short-necked fretted lute, often used in narrative storytelling. The biwa is the chosen instrument of Benten, goddess of music, eloquence, poetry, and education in Japanese Shinto.

It arrived in Japan in two forms. Since that time, the number of biwa has more than quadrupled. Guilds supporting biwa players, particularly the biwa hoshi, helped proliferate biwa musical development for hundreds of years. Biwa hōshi performances overlapped with performances by other biwa players many years before heikyoko and continued until today. This overlap resulted in a rapid evolution of the biwa and its usage and made it one of the most popular instruments in Japan.

. . . . . By the late 1940s, the biwa, a thoroughly Japanese tradition, was nearly completely abandoned for Western instruments; however, thanks to collaborative efforts by Japanese musicians, interest in the biwa is being revived. Japanese and foreign musicians alike have begun embracing traditional Japanese instruments, particularly the biwa, in their compositions. While blind biwa singers no longer dominate the biwa, many performers continue to use the instrument in traditional and modern ways.

Gagaku-biwa (雅楽琵琶)
Gogen-biwa (五絃琵琶)
Mōsō-biwa (盲僧琵琶)
Satsuma-biwa (薩摩琵琶)

Chikuzen-biwa (筑前琵琶)
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : www.tokugawa-art-museum.jp
Uryuu mon raden biwa 雲龍文螺鈿琵琶

. Japanes Musical Instruments .
The Drum (ko 鼓)


biwagyo 琵琶魚(びわぎょ)"biwa fish"
because its form is like the musical instrument biwa lute.

. ankoo 鮟鱇 anglerfish, goosefish, monkfish .
Lophiomus setigerus. "frog fish"


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

- - - - - Matsuo Basho - - - - -

. watayumi ya biwa ni nagusamu take no oku .
cotton bow and biwa lute

Nozarashi kiko

. zoosui ni biwa kiku noki no arare kana .

while I eat my rice porridge
hail falling on the eaves sounds
like a biwa lute . . .

. biwakoo no yo ya samisen no oto arare .

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


Biwa concert in memory of the haiku poet

LISTEN to it here :
source : www.youtube.com

. Taneda Santoka (Taneda Santooka) 種田山頭火 .


yuku haru ya omotaki biwa no daki kokoro

. spring is leaving -
thinking about carrying
a heavy biwa lute .

Yosa Buson
with a painting


Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


Maki-e laquer


Daruma Pilgrims Gallery


Maki-e laquer

The main entry about
. Laquer, Lacquer, Lackarbeiten 漆 urushi .


CLICK for more maki-e Daruma !


Maki-e (蒔絵, literally sprinkled picture)
is Japanese lacquer sprinkled with gold or silver powder as a decoration using a makizutsu or a kebo brush. The technique was developed mainly in the Heian Period (794–1185) and blossomed in the Edo Period (1603–1868). Maki-e objects were initially designed as household items for court nobles, they soon gained more popularity and were adopted by royal families and military leaders as an indication of power.

To create different colours and textures, maki-e artists use a variety of metal powders including gold, silver, copper, brass, lead, aluminum, platinum, pewter, as well as their alloys. Bamboo tubes and soft brushes of various sizes are used for laying powders and drawing fine lines. As it requires highly-skilled craftsmanship to produce a maki-e painting, young artists usually go through many years of training to develop the skills and to ultimately become maki-e masters. Kouami Douchou (1410–1478) was the first lacquer master linked to specific works. His maki-e works used designs from various Japanese contemporary painters. Kouami and another maki-e master, Igarashi Shinsai, were originators of the two major schools of lacquer-making in the history of Japan.

Takamakie (or "raised maki-e")
is one of the three major techniques in maki-e making.
Developed in the Muromachi Period (1336–1573), the technique of takamakie involves building up design patterns above the surface through a mixture of metal powder, lacquer and charcoal or clay dust.

Another special kind of maki-e is togidashi maki-e, where a black lacquer without oil is put on the metal decoration as an additional coat.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

CLICK for more maki-e samples !

hiramaki-e 平蒔絵 flat-sprinkled design
takamaki-e 高蒔絵 relief-sprinkled design


makieshi, maki-e shi 蒔絵師 making sprinkled lacquer items
They use all kinds of special tools, mostly made by themselves, to apply patterns to the itmes.
During the work the craftsman must take care not to breath too much on the piece in front of him.
Tools decorated with maki-e were given as wedding presents to Samurai, therefore the same pattern had to be repeated on many things. In Edo castle was a special workshop for this purpose.
Later when rich merchants begun to live in town, they also used items with maki-e to show their wealth and good taste, and craftsmen begun to live in town (町蒔絵師)

- quote -
蒔絵博物館 Makie Museum - a virtual Museum
江戸(東京)の有名蒔絵師 famous makie craftsmen of Edo - List
蒔絵師の事歴と作品 Introducing artists and their work
徳川幕府 O-saikujo 御細工所(おさいくじょ)Center of fine Craftswork, from 1603 till 1866 in Edo 江戸城本丸.
- reference source : makie-museum.com -

CLICK for more photos !

. Edo shokunin 江戸の職人 Edo craftsmen .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

source : k-yatsui.com
sake cup with moon and cherry blossom desing 月に桜の蒔絵仕上げ

ano naka ni maki e kakitashi yado no tsuki

it's inside I'd like
to line with lacquer:
moon at the inn

Tr. Barnhill

On that sphere
I'd draw with gold and silver -
O'er an inn the moon.

Tr. Nelson/Saito

into this roundness
I want to draw a maki-e painting -
moon over my inn

Tr. Gabi Greve

Written in 元禄元年, Basho age 45
更科紀行 Sarashina Kiko. At a lodging in Kiso, where he was offered a rustic Sakazuki sake cup with a simple maki-e laquer motif.
Or even a plain one with no image at all.

- - - - - Comment by Larry Bold, Facebook 2017:

This haiku of Basho's appears in his "Sarashina Journal" ('Sarashina Kiko'). In a translation by David Landis Barnhill, Basho begins by describing a stressful journey on a rough mountain path to see the (full) autumn moon over Mt. Obasute in Sarashina Village. Basho and his traveling companions stop at an inn. The haiku is directly preceded by this prose passage:
" 'Hey,' I said to everyone, 'let's have a drink on this moon-viewing festival,' and wine cups were brought out. They seemed rather large and unrefined, their gold lacquer work quite crude. The cultured elite from the capital would think them tasteless, they wouldn't even deign to touch them, but I was surprisingly delighted, as if they were jasper bowls or jeweled cups, coming as they did from this place."
[Barnhill notes that for the phrase "jasper bowls or jeweled cups," "Basho uses obscure and even nonexistent characters here to suggest rare and precious objects."]
Barnhill also notes that in a variant of this haiku, the first line is 'tsuki no naka ni' ("inside the moon") rather than 'ano naka ni'. which he literally translates as "that inside in".

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


chooyoo ya wan no makie no koto gotoshi

Chrysanthemum Festival -
in the bowl this lacquer image
almost the same

Tr. Gabi Greve

. Hasegawa Kanajo 長谷川かな女 .

. Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo 重陽) .
"double prime number nine"


Haiku Collection by Nakada Terumi


darumagunetto ダルマグネット / だるまマグネット 
Daruma Magnet

source :www.imose.com
蒔絵 マグネット 朱 だるま

makie Magnet with Daruma, for clipping things to your refrigerator.

- - - - -

Good Luck Daruma Magnet - マグネットクリップ(シート)

More in black and manekineko magnets :
- source : oo14bung.eshizuoka.jp

- - - - -

source : shop.minamisoma-factory.com
in five colors for good luck 福だるま
comes in different sizes

- - - - -

source : www.sekichu.com/item
Gunma chan character and ぐんまちゃん
Daruma with negi leek and konjaku for the fridge
ぐんまちゃんラバーマグネット だるま

- - - - -

source : http://minne.com/items
Cat Daruma Magnet 猫だるまさんマグネット
in three colors

- - - - -

source : miyayume.cocolog-nifty.com/trainbox
pengin magunetto ペンギンマグネット penguin magnet
and Daruma to pass the examination

- - - - -

source : e-morishita.jp/magnet
magnet to pass the examination 開運マグネット
絵馬の形やだるまの形 in the form of an ema and Daruma

- - - - -

Daruma magnet with small calendar
ミニマグネットカレンダー だるま from 2010

和柄 カタチマグネット だるま
All kinds of magnets, Japanese motives with Daruma

CLICK for enlargement !

和柄 カタチマグネット だるま
- source : rakuten.co.jp/tamateya -


CLICK for more samples !


Daruma Pilgrims in Japan

- #magnetdaruma -


Kofuku Jizo


. Jizo Bosatsu - ABC-List - .

koofuku Jizoo 幸福地蔵 Jizo to bring you good luck

The main entry about Jizo Bosatsu is here.
. Jizoo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .


Suzumushi Temple (Myotokuzan Kegon-ji)

Saint Hotan built Suzumushi Temple in 1723 (the middle of the Edo period);its official name is Myotokuzan Kegon-ji. Suzumushi means crickets in English. Hotan was famous as a hard-working Buddhist monk. There is one sect of Buddhism called “Kegon,” but because of its strictness, the number of monks undertaking Kegon was decreasing and the religion was dying out. The situation prompted Hotan to try and revive Kegon. He studied Buddhism and philosophy widely and tried to spread Kegon to monks. It is also said that he was the first to make a world map which put India (the origin of Buddhism) at the center of the world. When he saw the map that Europeans brought to Japan, he just was compelled to create a new type of map. The map is very valuable historically.

- snip-

You will find a famous statue called Kofuku-Jizo (its official name is Kofuku-Jizo Bosatsu which means the happy Jizo Bodhisattva) beside a gate at the end of the stone stairs. When you visit this temple, there is no way to miss meeting him. He is holding a staff in his right hand and a precious stone in his left hand.
He is the only Jizo wearing straw sandals in Japan.

Tradition says that he comes to you by foot to give you a helping hand and that he will grant you one wish. A lot of people have claimed their wishes came true.

A talisman in which there is a small figure of the Jizo will protect you from unhappiness and misfortune. You can buy it for 300 yen after listening to the priest's lesson. While holding the talisman, go and see the Jizo to wish for your happiness. Please always keep it with you until your wish comes true. Please don't forget to tell the Jizo your address and name so that he can go to see you without becoming lost. What are you going to wish for?

source : www.kyopro.kufs.ac.jp


source : www.mapple.net

clay bells with a lucky Jizo,
temple Yoshimine dera, Kyoto 善峯寺

source : books.rakuten.co.jp



suzumushi vendor in Edo

- quote
Tokyo ( Mukojima-Hyakkaen Gardens )
where people can hear the sound of Suzumushi singing from early evening.
During the period from 1804 to 1830 when the cultural aspects of townspeople of Edo began to thrive, Sahara Kiku-u, a wealthy dealer in antiques, established a garden for enjoying flowers in bloom with the help of other aficionados of the arts. One theory has it that the name "Hyakkaen" was chosen to mean "a garden with a hundred flowers that bloom throughout the four seasons." At the time when the garden first opened, its main feature was 360 ume trees. In later years, many different blooming flowers and plants mentioned in classic Chinese and Japanese works of literature and poetry were collected, enabling visitors to enjoy blooming flowers throughout the year. The garden is the only surviving flower garden from the Edo Period.

In summer time, they hold Morning Glory Competition and a event called "Mushi-Kiki no Kai".

In Japanese, the word "Mushi-Kiki" means "enjoying sounds of insects." By listening to the sounds of insects, Japanese people feel the seasonal beauty and sadness. The journalist and writer Lafcadio Hearn (also known as Koizumi Yakumo), who came to Japan in the Meiji period(1868-1912), expressed his surprise and deep interest at the unique sensitivity of the Japanese people, who admire and listen to insects, and who appreciate the beauty and melancholy of the seasons.

It is said that since the Heian period (794-1185) it was popular to catch insects and keep them in cages, before later releasing them into one's garden to enjoy their chirping. We can find many works dealing with insects in Japanese literature, including tanka poem collections, essays and haiku.

As people in the Heian period did, visitors of this garden could release the several chirping insects into the garden at dusk and could lit "Bonbori lights" and "E-Andon lights" at the event.
The lamp shade of "E-andons" are made out of Japanese paper and beautiful paintings are drawn and poems are written on them.
- source : Jun Itabashi - facebook

. WKD : bell cricket, suzumushi 鈴虫 .
kigo for early autumn

. waraji and zoori 草鞋 - 草履  straw sandals .


Koofuku Jizoo  福地蔵  Lucky Jizo

source : dentouhonpo

from Kutani pottery 九谷焼 幸福地蔵


source : Eiko on facebook

Suzumushidera Jizo at sunset


幸福地蔵尊 Kofuku Jizo
Wakayama 風吹山弁財天院 Kazehikiyama Benzaiten-In


. Jizo Bosatsu - ABC-List - .

O-Fudo Sama Gallery
