Buddhist Sculptors Gallery
Hashimoto Kentaro
Hashimoto Kentaroo 橋本堅太郎(はしもとけんたろう)

Born 1930 in Nihonmatsu, Fukushima prefecture. His father was the sculptor Hashimoto 橋本高昇(1895-1985).
He studied sculpture at the Tokyo University of Arts from 1953.
Now he is a university teacher 東京学芸大学教授.
Statue of Princess Otehime
The bronze statue is seven meters high and was finished in 1992.

Princess Otehime was a daughter of the legendary Emperor Sushun [?~592]. She went out to search for her son, who was involved in a feud with Soga no Umako. She came to an area which was suited for the raising of silkworms, so she settled there, introduced silk production and never found her son. She is deified in this area of Kawamata, an old center for silk in Fukushima prefecture. 福島県川俣 . In her old age, full of sorrow, she drowned herself in a pond.

大仏の殿堂 with more photos !
Who made Buddha Statues ?
Mark Schumacher
Buddhist Sculptors Gallery
Daruma Pilgrims in Japan
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