Buddhist Sculptors Gallery
Watanabe So-Un
Watanabe Soo-un 渡邉宗雲(わたなべそううん)

Born 1957 in Tokyo. His father was a carver in temples and shrines.
Learned Buddhist sculpture from Nishimura Fusazo 西村房蔵 and Yamamoto Zui-Un 山本瑞雲 (やまもとずいうん).
Became independent in 1989.
In 1997 he took the name of his father, So-Un 崇雲.
"Buddha scultures do not allow for so much artistic freedom of the artist. But there many are ways to show the depth and meaning of them."
Look at more statues by So-Un !
Daikoku, a God of Good Fortune
made by his father

渡邉崇雲・宗雲彫刻工房 Workshop
Fudo Myo-O . 不動明王坐像

Painting of Fudo Myo-O

Japanese LINK
Buddha Sculpture Studio
Who made Buddha Statues ?
Mark Schumacher
Buddhist Sculptors Gallery
Daruma Pilgrims in Japan
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