Daruma Pilgrims Gallery
Tainai Butsu 胎内佛, 胎内仏
A small statue within a larger Buddha statue.
TAINAI means literally "inside the womb". 胎内仏
体内 means literally "inside the body". 体内仏

... ... ...
From the temple Reisui-Ji
Inside a statue of Kannon Bosatsu

© biwa ne kazan
Statue of Shotoku Taishi 胎内仏・聖徳太子像
Temple Ryuzen-Ji, Tokyo

© 龍善寺
x-ray with the sutras inside

Ushiku Daibutsu Temple 牛久大仏
Memorial Service for All Generations
Eidai Kuyoo 永代供養(胎内仏)
Even in our modern times, you can buy a small statue and insert a sutra with the name and dates of a loved one passed away. The statue will then be placed in the mortuary of the temple Ushku Daibutsu. There priests will say prayers in the morning and evening of each day.

© Ushiku Daibutsu
At the temple housing Nozaki Kannon in Osaka, you can make a financial donation to support the temple and get a small Kannon Statue, which will be placed inside a larger one of any of the 16 famous Arhat statues.

野崎観音 慈眼寺
〒574-0015 大阪府大東市野崎
© 野崎観音
Dainichi Nyorai Statue by Unkei
After an X-ray examination a small five-tired pagoda was visible inside the statue.

© 山本勉 : 日本の美術 (No.374) 至文堂
There may be other things placed inside a statue, called "offerings inside a statue, zoonai noonyuuhin 像内納入品
© JAANUS : a few quotes
... ... ... ... ... zounai nounyuuhin
Also nounyuuhin 納入品, tainai nounyuuhin 胎内納入品, tainai nounyuubutsu 胎内納入物.
Objects found in the inner hollow of a Buddhist statue. There are a great variety of zounai nounyuuhin, and items including written documentation have been especially useful to scholars investigating the origin and history of Buddhist figures.
Paper items include: prayers recorded in writing by the donor of the statue, zouryuuganmon 造立願文;
names of petitioners aspiring to the Buddhist faith, kechien koumyouchou 結縁交名帳;
copies of sutras; and Buddhist prints, inbutsu 印仏 and suribotoke 摺仏.
Wooden items include plaques bearing the sculptor's signature, date, and other information about construction; miniature stupas, gorintou 五輪塔; and small Buddhist figures, tainaibutsu 胎内仏.
There are also reliquaries made of crystal, precious metals, stone or lacquer, containing bones of the Buddha, shari 舎利. Other zounai nounyuuhin include glass vessels, coins, jewels, mirrors, fabrics, grain, medicine, and household items.
Sutras and relics inside a figure are believed to give the statue its soul, investing it with the spirit of a living being, a concept known as shoujin shisou 生身思想.
Early Japanese examples are the Yakushi Nyoraizou 薬師如来像in Toushoudaiji Kondou 唐招堤寺金堂 (Nara), which has coins enclosed in the skirts of the statue, and Senju Kannonzou 千手観音像 in Touji Jikidou 東寺食堂 (Kyoto), where relics are contained in the byakugou 白毫 (forehead curl), and cypress fans (hiougi 桧扇) in carved out hollows under the arms.
In wooden statuary, hollowing techniques, uchiruri 内刳, and building figures from hollow joined blocks, yoseki-zukuri 寄木造, developed during the Heian period (9-12c), making large spaces in the bellies of the statue available for zounai-nounyuuhin. This culminated in the Kamakura period (13c), when the quantity and variety of examples are greatest.
Read more here :
Treasures inside Inuki Fudo Myo-O, Shogon-Ji
Yugasan Fudo Myo-O 由加山厄除不動 where you can by a tablet to be put inside the statue
Temple Seiganto-Ji in Nachi, Wakayama
Nr. 1 Temple of the Saigoku Pilgrimage
Inside the statue of Nyoirin Kannon was a small statue of Kannon made from gold.
西国第一番: 那智山 青岸渡寺
© Wikipedia

© Seiganto-ji Temple Nyoirin Kannon Statue
The inner organs, gozoo roppu 五臓六腑
According to the old Chinese medicine, these are
the five full organs (heart, lungs, liver, spleen and kidneys), and
the six hollow organs (stomach, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder and reproductive organs).
Daruma Museum: The Medicine Buddha
When eating something especially delicous there is the saying
gozoo roppu ni shimiwataru 五臓六腑に染み渡る
this spreads around nicely in my inner organs.
Here is the famous statue of Shaka Nyorai, which was introduced from China in 987. Inside are small paintings and other items. One of the most spectacular are the "inner organs" gozou roppu. They even include a small umbilical cord. They were made from silk material. Now, they are a national treasure of Japan.

Here is the statue of Temple Seiryo-Ji

. Seiryooji 清涼寺 Temple Seiryo-Ji
Shakado 釈迦堂 The Shaka Hall .

More items with suributsu 摺仏, printed pictures of Buddhist context on paper found inside of statues. They were called inbutsu 印仏 in the Nara period and "suributsu" in the Heian period。
GOOGLE with Tainaibutsu 胎内仏
For more about Buddha Statues
Mark Schumacher
A little Daruma talisman, containing a small seated statue of Kobo Daishi.
This is a modern version of the "inside" concept.

Temple Nr. 82, Negoro-ji, is located in the middle of a dense forest on a high mountain. There again I found a little red talisman of Daruma with a hole in the back, but this time a little frog was peeking out of it.
At temple Shiramine-ji (White Peak Temple), Shikoku
Im Inneren einer großen Statue wurden auch kleine Statuen (Buddhas im Leibesinneren, tainai butsu, tainaibutsu) oder Sutras verborgen.

ka no koe no urotsuku gozoo roppu kana
the buzz of mosquitoes
hovers around
my inner organs
. Kaneko Tohta, Kaneko Tota 金子兜太 .
. Voices of Animals .
the five and six inner organs
and their effect on each other
This is truly fascinating information.
Modern Maker of Tainaibutsu
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