Buddhist Sculptors Gallery
Fukui Shomyo
(Fukui Shoomyoo 福井照明(ふくいしょうみょう)

Born 1947 in Gifu prefecture.
Learned Buddhist sculpture fro six years from Eri Sohei.
Became an independent sculptur carver in 1979, resident in Hida, Fukui prefecture.
Sometimes he spends 16 hours in his retreat in the mountains of Oku Hida and carves all day.
"Buddhist sculpture must follow many rules and presciptions passed on to us by the Buddhist scriptures. Otherwise it will be simply wood carving, but not sacred sculpture. There is just a little bit of change to see in the Buddhist sculptures throughout Japanese long history. So I want to make sculptures fit for the 21st century, exploring the limits as best as I can."
Newspaper Inverview, Gifu, July 2007
Calender 2007

Book Information

福井照明 佛像彫刻工房 「 しょうみょうあん」
TEL/FAX 052‐795‐0562
Japanese LINK
Buddha Sculpture Studio Shomyoan
Who made Buddha Statues ?
Mark Schumacher
Buddhist Sculptors Gallery
Daruma Pilgrims in Japan
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