Fudo Myo-O Gallery
. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 .
O-Fuku Jizo Sama お福地蔵さま O-Fuku Jizo

Now at 東京都板橋区大山町54
Itabashi 板橋 was a busy crossroads during the Edo period, where the Kawagoe Road and the Kamakura Kaido Road crossed.
source : area.rehouse.co.jp
More than 150 years ago at this busy crossroads, sometimes people and horsed died.
So a woman named O-Fuku made it her duty to bury the people and horses at a certain place. The ancestors of the Onta Family 恩田家 held O-Fuku in great respect for this kind deed and when she died, they erected a small Jizo Hall in this place in her honor.
There are now three special days to visit here for prayers.
August 13 is the death memorial day for O-Fuku.
The other days are August 3 and August 23.
If you visit on one of these days, you get a special token from the members of the local Shopping Mall.
大山福地蔵尊オリジナルパスネット Passnet
Original Pass-Net card
to board the Trains and Underground of Tokyo.


Ocha-agare Jizo お茶あがれ地蔵 Jizo drinking tea
In Kami-ikebukuro (上池袋)
In the Genroku priod, the ghost of a woman who was not allowed to marry the man of her choice and had died appeared around the statue of Jizo every night and sighed:
"Have some tea, have some tea".
and something not related to Itabashi in Tokyo
Itabashi Jizo-son Taisai Festival
January 23 and 24
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
It is one of the biggest Itabashi Jizo-son (or Sofukuin Temple) festival, and many people come to give a special supplication. It has been said if you visit this temple on this day, you bump into your dream person, a person who looks like a deceased family member.
Soufukuin Temple 宗福院 地蔵堂
Itabashi, Odawara-city, Kanagawa Prefecture
source : www.wasavvy.com
. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 .
O-Fudo Sama Gallery
. Amulets and Talismans for your health .
1 comment:
Tokyo Ikebukuro district 池袋 "pond bag"
Ikebukuro mura 池袋村 Ikebukuro village
Toshima 豊島区 池袋本町 Ikebukuro Honcho, 池袋 Ikebukuro, 西池袋 Nishi-Ikebukuro
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